'Y/N hasnt been back for awhile...' i thought, "hey guys?" I turned to my team, "yeah?" Pinia asked, "can we search for Y/N? She hasnt come back in awhile..." i mumbled. "Claire, you worry too much. Im sure she's fine." Bar reassured us, "actually, now that i think about it..." Sam spoke up, "she was spacing out during class, many times. Ill go look for her, any of you up for the challenge?" A couple hands were raised, one of them being mine. Damien and Barry stayed back in case she did come back.
but just in case something happened to them or us, we put some discreet ear pieces with a mic that me and Sharon designed a while back. There was one extra which we made for Y/N last night. I hope she's ok...
~Y/N's p.o.v~
"hm... maybe this will sedate you?" I heard that evil girl walk towards me, I struggled through my gag, "dont worry dear, itll come off soon" and with that, Malin took off my suffocating gag. Just to shove a mask with a tube on my face.
I closed my eyes and started thinking and remembering a voice...
"Malin! Come here!" 'Chloe' called, hesitantly, Malin turned off the machine before any of the drug passed through, but she locked the door. "Hmm...." i thought out loud, looking around the room for a way of escape. I noticed a chip in the wall.
I hastily grabbed a few bandages and wrapped them around my whole right arm to form a barrier that, hopefully, would shield me from the pain that was going to enter my system. Without a second thought, i thrusted my body as hard as i could towards the chip, which soon became a crack; then a whole piece broke off. I nearly screeched in happiness.
but i was quickly silenced with a gun to the back of my head. "Hands.Up." I did as told, "turn." The voice was stern. I turned my head; slowly letting my body follow its lead. The figure had his hood on. How'd I know it was a he? Because he was too tall to be a girl for sure. "S-sam..?" He didn't respond, "follow me and dont say anything at the moment." He ordered, i just nodded my head slowly in fear and follow close behind; clinging on his hoodie.
Once we were out, he made me sit on the grass. "Name, code name and weapon?" He asked, "Sam, switch and its not a weapon: pocket knife" i answered truthfully; it all went silent for a moment, "Y/N!! Oh my god you're ok!" He cried, taking off his hood.
i was engulfed in a warm hug as we waited for the others to come.