i gladly took it and hoisted my self up. Along the way i started shivering a bit and i felt something on my shoulders. "Tell me if you're cold stupid." He told me and I nodded slowly.
--back home--
"you did it Y/N!!!" Claire came up and hugged me, she saw the bruise on my neck i just know it. She glanced up at Sam who just nodded through his thick,black rimmed glasses. "Are you alright?" I heard Skyler say from the corner of the room. I nodded and ran over to him. "Where were you?" I asked him, "detention" he smirked and I laughed and laughed and laughed...i couldnt stop.
~Claire's p.o.v~
'its working...' i pondered, i guess that elixir was the right type. "Damien, Sam, Y/N; follow me" I ordered; they walked towards me and nodded. As we left i told the others to make the preparations for the 'welcoming ritual'...
we entered a dark room with a dentist-like chair in the middle of it. "Y/N, sit here." I commanded, and she did; struggling as she was still laughing uncontrollably.
(A/N: from this point on, things will start to get uncomfortable, disgusting or rather gruesome. If you think you cant take it, i advise that you stop reading here.)
the boys strapped her into the chair as she calmed down a bit. 'Phase 2..' i thought. I saw her start to drop her head lower and lower, till she couldnt anymore and her hands were tugging at the restraints. I ushered the guys out and asked them to help with the ritual preparations and walked up to her with a mask with a tube connecting it. She launched at me, but her restraints held her back.
i put the mask over her mouth and clicked it into place. I turned on the machine as I sedated her...
~Y/N's p.o.v~
i started feeling sleepy as i heard a machine roar. I brushed it off as nothing and slowly drifted into a troublesome sleep.
I woke up and looked at my body, it was covered in scars and stitches. "What..." the room was pitch black, except for a single light that shone above my head, "ah," a voice echoed, "you're awake..." "Claire??? Where are you??? I swear this isnt funny!" I called out in panic. I tugged at the restraints tighter and tighter... "Hehe, but Y/N... the fun part is just about to begin.." she said and i heard the door lock click open.
I looked over and smiled crookedly at her. She came down and undid my restraints. "Come on!" She said, grabbing my hand; "we're gonna be late since you overslept!" Claire chimed. I ran with her through the halls and rooms till we entered this huge ballroom. "Wo-" i was immediately cut off when i saw 8 guns aimed at me. "H-hey, why're you a-aiming those at me...?" I asked.
No reply.
i backed up till my back hit Claire, "Claire its a joke...right...?" I breathed out. She aimed her revolver up towards the chandelier and fired.
The room became dark as the night of a new moon. Thats when i heard it, "run" and i did as told....