'Guess Ill see them later..?' I smiled to myself; they'll be fine. And on that thought I continued forth, this place was...different though...It was creepy; like an asylum you would see in movies like that. "Hello?" My voice echoed down the halls; I heard a muffled laugh, 'Ok Im officially scared now...I wonder who's here.' I made my way to the door on my toes. The laughing was seemingly getting louder and louder as my level of horror grew as well.
Finally, it stopped as I came to sight with a door; it looked newer compared to the others. "Door 909" I sighed and reached out for the handle and twisted it. Inside the room was a boy..? The lights were dim and there were many, many computers lines up in rows. "Who are you?" I called out to the boy; his eyes werent focused on the computers but on a huge flat-screen T.V in the middle of the room.
He was nervously fidgeting and couldnt seem to sit straight..'ADHD?' I remembered, but not much. I walked towards the hunched person. When I tried to reach out and hold his shoulder, he turned and pounced on me. On one of his shoulders I saw two scars, one being the letter: "K" (Shambala reference XD) and the other was like a symbol with a diamond in the middle and two triangles on the sides.
"Wha-what do yo-you want..?" That was when it hit me, "Bar, get off me." Barry had scratched himself on something on the last mission and the scar looked like a: "K". He stayed silent, "Get off me." "What..?" His voice dropped and it became silky. Thats when a dagger was launched towards my head, "Hm, you want to kill me then come..TRY!" My leg swung up as swiftly as I could and hit him where that sun dont shine.
"Meanie!" He scolded and ran with the knife and something else in his pocket. "He was like the Joker..." I started, "And the Joker needs a Harley." (Regret that) he finished, and thrusted the knife to my neck. It stopped right before piercing through. "Whatcha gonna do Mr.J? You gonna kill me?" He stared blankly at me; staring into my soul as he swallowed, "Blah, blah, blah." And moved his knife.
I took that chance and ran to a small place under the table to hide, it seemed safe at first so I crouched and shimmied my way out. "TOP OF DA' MORNIN' TO YA LASSIE!" A ear-piercibg shriek busted my ear-drums and all went black.
I woke up a few minutes later I guess and looked up. The room was pitch black, but I wasnt bound or anything so I just sat up with no issue whatsoever. "Staphh ittt." His voice boomed in my ear, I threw myself where I heard the sound and stayed still; I felt a metal-barrel on my head. "Oh, I wonder what this does..?" I grabbed his legs as he pulled the trigger and yanked him down. Me on top this time.
"You probably wont remember any of this with your memory being of a goldfish but..." I took a deep breath before what I was gonna say next, "I love you. I love you so fricking much; even if you're abusive, even if YOURE the mean one. You hurt me alot of times but you didnt notice it. I didnt say a word. But I was scared, just scared and sensetive arent I?" I didnt even notice the tears running down my face while I announced what I had to.
I felt a hand brush the tears away, "..You're crazy but I still love you..." I sniffled as he sat up and made me look at him, "I do too" he said and calmed down..
The lights turned on and a whirl of space colours appeared.
We did it...