"Good morning Cl- oh, am I interrupting something?" I smiled, "Not really, but how'd you find my room?" She questioned i laughed and told her that Aaron told me to come meet her. I heard her sigh a bit and motion for me to come and sit in a chair in front of her, "That boy.. i swear" she snickered a bit.
I smiled and looked at her, "so what's up?" I asked, "do you have the gems with you now?" 'Gems?' I looked dumbfounded at her and she held out her hand. "Yes, gems. The sapphire, pearl and jade." She laughed. I was hesitant at first but decided to gand over the gems anyway. "Thank you, now, i want to ask you, which gem do you like the most and what did you see in said gem?"
"Jade. I saw some things i loved and i wanted to keep it." I muttered and she nodded her head in understanding and amusement. She ran me over what the gems do and what each of them signify depending on my personality towards them; then she took out a few papers, and i brought my head up to let my eyes glaze over the words.
"ill have to work with Damien? What does that mean?" I asked her, "It means that whenever there's a mission you'll have to partner up with him." She smiled and i nodded.
"Its a deal." She smirked