Okay, hear me out.
I've been browsing a number of books here on Quotev with the main trope being bad boy kidnaps good girl, Stockholm Syndrome happens, resulting in the girl falling in love with the boy.
Not going to lie, it's an overused trope that is probably one of my favourites because it never gets old.
I mean, so many books are based off of this trope, and yet it still has so many fans adoring it. I'm not someone who enjoys going out of her way to read smut, and nor will I ever be someone like that, but I still like the bad boy good girl trope enough to be reading a lot of it on here.
There's just something about reading it on Quotev that makes me feel like I'm not wasting money by buying those kinds of books. Don't get me wrong, they're really good, but they're entertaining, and not exactly the best form of literature. So reading these books on Quotev makes me feel like I'm entertaining myself for free, which is an amazing feeling.
You can't compare these books to Harry Potter or even Percy Jackson, but as a teenager it makes me feel almost normal to be reading books like these. But the best ones are those where the girl doesn't fall in love. Because it's more realistic.
I was reading a duology a couple of hours ago about a guy kidnapping a girl (for no apparent reason other than her being pretty) and bringing her to his lair with his drug-dealing gang. Long story short, she manages to escape after many tries and being abused by him, gets back to her family and manages to build back her life despite him chasing after her. At the end of the second book, she even manages to kill him.
These books are nice to read because they're real. Let's be honest. How many girls would actually fall in love with a man who kidnapped them, abused them and treated them like dirt? Not many.
Or, at least, not many with a good self-esteem.
I'm considering writing one, but I don't really know if I should. It seems like an awfully big jump for someone who's almost exclusively been writing fanfictions for about two or three years. I don't know if I'm ready to make such a big jump. But at the same time, I'm someone who wants to pursue a career in journalism or writing. Maybe writing books that I could actually sell would be good for me?
You might be wondering why I'm asking myself all these questions, but the truth is that there are so many young adults who turn 18 and have no idea what they want to do, and that scares me. When I turn 18, I want to know what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it, because how else will I live? I don't want to waste my parents' money to go to a university and then drop out, saying "Oh, well, turns out it's not for me!" I would feel so bad doing that to my parents, people who have always supported me.
So maybe it's time to say a temporary goodbye to fanfictions. It's not that I'm not going to read them, because that would be way too hard. They've been a big part of my life for two or three years, and for me, that's a long enough time for me to take it slowly. It's like an addiction: I started reading them and couldn't stop.
Honest opinion time: does anyone think that I could shoot my shot and try to write a real book?
Forgetting about how famous I am for procrastinating and not actually finishing my books, maybe I could try to write a book where I don't need to follow the history (when I was writing 1D fanfics) or the plot (HotD, GoT, PJO, HP) and just create both.
Comment down below if you think I should write a real book!
Signing out,
Alex <3