School today wasn't that bad.
First up I had History, which is probably my favourite subject. I caught up on the work I missed because my teacher was absent, and then promptly laughed with my friends for the rest of the class. Then I had Maths, where I got my test results back. I got 36/48 on a Year 9 Higher Tier GCSE Paper, a.k.a a Grade 7 in the Pearson Edexcel system. For all my American readers, it actually translates to a B because it's considered harder than most papers. I'm pretty happy. I got one of the highest scores in my class.
But the catch is my dad.
He's obsessed with making a mathematician out of me (which is not a feasible career for me because I hate Maths) so when I told him what I got, the first thing he did was ask was this: "Where did the other twelve marks go?" Oh, I don't know, a walk?
Like, come on, Dad. Be happy for me. That is not a bad test result at all.
Anyway, then I had snack time, which is always fun because I go to the school library and return my books and borrow new ones. I'm a very fast reader, and I take the public bus back home, so I always read library books during the trip. All my friends love the library as well, and we're a pretty big friend group, so the librarian kept on telling us to stop talking so loudly.
Spoilers: we never do.
After snack I had Mandarin, which I suck bad at. So turns out I have an exam next week, and I'm so annoyed. It's called YCT (Youth Chinese Test) and there are different levels to it. I passed YCT 3 first try, failed YCT 4 on the first take and barely passed on the second take and now I'm taking YCT 5, which is the last and most difficult level. For reference, in YCT 4 you need to know approximately 600 Mandarin words to pass and in YCT 5 you need to know approximately 1200 Mandarin words to pass.
I am screwed.
Then I had Drama and I had to rehearse again with my group for our assessment tomorrow and Friday. It's pretty good, especially that my school has quite good lighting that my group is using, and we're also using a soundtrack from Youtube to add to the horror theme (it's a horror performance). So I'm not worried.
And then I'm in a music band, so at lunch we rehearsed. I barely ever eat at lunch because I'm never hungry (I'm not kidding, I really am not) and today was no different. It's not like I have time anyway because between rehearsal and laughing with my friends, I literally don't eat. I don't really mind, though. Breakfast, dinner and a small snack is enough for me.
Last was Biology, and since I'm in the highest class we're apparently ahead of everyone else, so instead of doing regular coursework I ended up having to do line graphs for a whole hour. I hate graphs overall, and line graphs are my worst nightmare, even though at least now I know how to do them. A year ago, I was so bad at them that I almost failed my assessment because of that.
After school I had piano and then extra English so that added another two or so hours to my day. I don't know why I get into so many extracurricular activities, but it's definitely not just for university. If that was the only thing making me have hobbies outside of school, I would have dropped out a long time ago.
For reference, I do theatre about four times a week because I have a class and I'm in a major production. I also have one piano lesson per week and practice throughout the week. I have one kung fu class per week. I have extra English (which I do by myself, thank you very much) four times a week. I'm in a band, so that usually results in a lot of lunch times spent in the music room and once or twice every week after school for an hour. And I write a whole bunch on different websites for fun.
I'd say I'm doing pretty good in the hobbies department, don't you think?
Before, I used to do basketball, but I can't find a good class and my school has a weird system when it comes to school teams so I have to wait until Term 3 to try out for the basketball team. I'm interested in ping pong and pretty good at it so I might just join a class. I used to think that you don't do shit in ping pong, but now I realise that if you play it competitively/properly, boy do you sweat. I mean, you move a whole lot and after an hour, you're sweating buckets.
Also, theatre is technically a sport for me, because I do musical theatre and that involves a whole bunch of dancing. And I do pilates by myself every day because my parents are big on working out and I guess I inherited that way of functioning.
Needless to say, I sleep very early every night. Is 9-9:30pm early? I don't think so, but all my friends (who are my age) sleep at 10 or 11pm, and though that's lowkey unhealthy, I can't help but wonder if 9pm is early for a teenager to start sleeping...
Signing out,
Alex <3