Meanwhile, back at the Black Bulls hideout, Vanessa, Grey, and Gouache were sitting in the common area. Vanessa was of course wearing very little and drinking a bottle of wine. Grey was hiding behind one of the couches and Gouache was staring a hole into a picture of his sister.
“Say what do you guys think about the new recruit? Mystic?” Vanessa asked as she took a swig.
“Umm…s-she se-e-ems n-nice.” Grey stuttered shyly.
“No one can compare to my sweet Marie.” Gouache said as he began to drip blood from his nose.
Just then the doors to the hideout opened and in strolled Zora. Letting out a yawn he walked past the three sitting in the common area and made his way to the bar, grabbing a bottle from the shelf.
“Well Zora, nice to see you in the hideout for once. Didn’t fancy you for a drinker.”
He grumbled and took a swig dropping himself in an empty spot on the couch. “I’m not, but it’s been a long week so just can it and let me enjoy this in peace.”
“Alright, shy guy. Say we were just talking about the new girl, Mystic. What do you think of her?”
“She's strange. I feel like she's hiding something.” he growled.
“Oh? Well we all have our secrets. I’m sure you have a few you don’t want us to know about.” Vanessa said with a wink.
“Shut it woman. I’m just saying she’s hiding a lot of magic power under that cloak of hers and she talks rather strangely. She’s got a distant look in her eyes as if she’s not really here. Cap said she’s from overseas but where exactly? We know Yami is from the Sun country but she doesn’t seem like she is from there, rather somewhere else that they aren’t telling us.”
“Wow Zora, I think that’s the most I’ve heard you talk. Her eyes? Oooh~ does someone have a crush~?” Vanessa teased.
“Fuck no. I just happened to notice is all. I thought she was royalty and I hate royal pricks. But when I asked her, her eyes said it all. She’s not one of those rich pricks, she’s experienced darkness.” Zora said, finishing off his drink.
Vanessa and Grey just stared at Zora, even Gouache lowered the picture to tune into the conversation.
“So she has a rough past like us all. She’ll fit right in regardless of what secrets she may have.” Vanessa smiled.
Just as Zora was about to give some snarky comment, the doors busted open and a shadow hovered in the frame.
A tall figure with dark hair, Auburn eyes, wearing a Black suit trimmed in white complemented with an evil grin.
A voice from within the hideout slowly rang out. “Heeeeyyyy…. Guuuyyyss!”
“Yeah, we see him, Henry!” Vanessa called back. “Who are you?” she called to the stranger in the doorway.
The stranger just chuckled, darkly. “Who am I? Well my dear. That’s a loaded question, but I’ll answer you if you give me something in return.”
“And why should we give you anything?” She responded, reaching for her grimoire.
“You can’t have Marie!” Gouache said, reaching for his as well.
The stranger just laughed again “Marie? I don’t know who that is. No, I'm looking for a boy, but before that...” He said darkly, suddenly disappearing.
“...I think I’ll have a little fun with you.” His voice came from the air as he suddenly appeared next to Vanessa, grabbing her by the back of the neck. He threw her across the room back towards the door he just appeared from.
“No Vanessa!” Grey shouted as she used her magic to transform the ground, making it softer for Vanessa to land on.
The Strange man turned around and the remaining squad members froze in their spot. His mana power was overwhelming.
“What’s wrong? Little mages don’t want to play?” He chuckled darkly. “Well too bad. I’ve been itching to try out my new powers and unfortunately for you, someone pissed me off and I haven’t had the chance to release the stress she caused me.”
He began to walk slowly around the room, looking at the members of the squad. His smile grew bigger by the second. “Now then, what to do first. I’m on a mission to find someone or more specifically something, but I want to play first. It’s been awhile since I’ve enjoyed a woman.” He said, licking his lips, turning back towards Vanessa. She was still on the ground struggling to stand up. Grey may have softened her landing but it still knocked the wind out of her.
He reached her and grabbed her hair lifting her up. “So tell me, you look experienced. How do you like to take it?”
She scrunched her face looking up at him and gave a little smirk, “Well usually I like to know the name of the men I’m in company with, then I can show you a real good time.”
“Oh a woman with spunk. I despise that in a woman. She thinks she has spunk and it pisses me off. But you know what, fine. The name is Ryker. Now let’s have a good time sweetheart.”
He lifted her to her feet, still holding on to her hair but then a large, bulky shadow appeared behind him.
“Now this isn’t how I left the hideout. I go to the mountain to train my mana and here you guys are letting some dude wreck the place?”
“Captain Yami!” Vanessa yelped for joy.
“C-Cap-t-tain, his m-mana.” Grey stuttered.
“Yeah, I know. I can feel it. His Ki isn’t very friendly either.” Yami said, lighting a cigarette. “So you gonna unhand my squad member or do I have to make you?”
Ryker Turned his head to look at Yami over his shoulder. “Oh Mr. Tough guy is back. Damn, I thought I could claim my prize and move on. Guess I’ll get to blow off steam another way then.” he said as he dropped Vanessa. Grey ran over to Help her up and the girls moved back.
“Your prize huh? You call all women that? I don’t think they’d like that.”
“Oh the woman wasn’t my prize, just a nice bonus, I’m actually looking for a boy.”
“Oh you swing both ways huh, well no judgment here but you should really not be looking for kids. That’s gross.” Yami said, crossing his arms.
“Not like that. I’m looking for a boy who has something I need. Something I can use to take a bitch down next time I fight her.”
“And what might this ‘something’ be?” Yami asked curiously.
“A Couple of anti-magic swords. So hand those over and I’ll be on my way.”
“Swords huh? Say what was your name again?” Yami raised an eyebrow. What was this the guy his new recruit was looking for?
“Ryker,” he said simply. “Now if you don’t mind I’m kind of in a hurry.”
“You didn't seem that much in a hurry when you were trying to harass my squad member.” Yami said as he pulled a strange device out of his pocket. He clicked the button and heard an answer on the other end.
“Captain? It’s a little early for–”
“Finral! Hey look. I need you to send Asta back over. Oh and you know what, while you're at it send Noelle and the new recruit back too. This might be some good training for them.”
“But they are in the middle of–”
“Just make it snappy. They can go right back when they are finished, there's just some.. Business we need to take care of really quickly.”
“Ugh fine! We will be right over.” Finral groaned.
“There, they are on their way.” Yami said, putting the device back in his pocket.
“Why did you call so many people back? I was under the impression only one individual was in possession of the swords.”
“Well you see, we are in the middle of training to fight another kingdom, so since you seem to be wanting to cause some havoc, we’re not letting you take those swords without a fight. I figured it’d be some good training for those kids, they could really use it.”
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