Sy's face went pale. She sat back down and frantically started typing. Once she found what she was looking for she turned her monitor around. "Is this him?"
Hawks and Rena looked at the screen and both nodded "Yes."
"Oh no.." Sy said as she slumped in her chair.
"Oh no what?" Rena asked.
"Kage. He's the missing scientist. He's been missing for months." Sy was starting to piece things together.
"The hacker. It had to be him. Not only was he a renowned scientist but he was also the head specialist in our cyber security. He had to be the one who was hacking the system."
"But how and why would he know to hack your lab?" Rena asked.
"He must have recognized my work from your equipment." Sy sighed.
"So he's from this world?"
"Yes. He's from this world," she replied.
"That's why he looked relieved when I said I was looking for someone, he thought I was there for him.." Rena said, remembering when his face showed some sort of emotion. "But he was working for the League, a criminal organization. Should we be worried?"
"I can't say. He never really seemed to have motives for anything. Just always experimenting, wanting answers to life questions. I believe he was last studying human genetics on a more substantial level. I assume that's where he discovered the base code theory. I had heard rumors but didn't think anything of it." Sy said, moving her monitor back and crossing her hand under her chin.
"So what do we do now?" Hawks asked.
"Well. We rescued Aviv, but Kage concerns me now. Would you be able to keep an eye on him, Hawks?" Sy asked.
"Sure. I can keep an eye out," he replied.
"Thank you. And thank you Fairy Tail, for coming on such short notice."
"Of course. Mystic is family. We'll help her out anytime." Erza said with a smile.
"Yeah! Mystic, when are you coming back to the guild? I still want to spare with you." Natsu said, punching his hand with the other and lighting it a flame.
Rena giggled. "Ah I'd love to come hang out at the guild hall, but I'm afraid it will have to wait."
"Aw, man." Natsu pouted. "Guess I'll just have to take you back." he grinned, earning him a chop in the back of the head from Gray.
"Didn't you just hear her, flame brain, she said it will have to wait," Gray growled.
"Shut it, Ice Princess, I want to fight her to see how strong I am," Natsu said leaning his forehead against Gray's.
"Like you'd stand a chance, you saw her fight with Ryker. She'd smoke you." Gray spit back with a smirk.
They threw a few more insults back and forth as usual before Erza smacked them both on the head. Looking up she gave an irritated smile. "Sorry about them. One day they Might behave themselves."
Hawks leaned into Rena "Are they always like that."
Rena giggled. "Yeah, it was always so lively at the guild. I miss it...
A little."
"You're always welcome to come back whenever you want. We'll be waiting for you." Lucy said with a smile.
"We miss having adventures with you Miss Mystic." Wendy chimed in.
"I miss you guys too," Rena said with a longing smile. "I'd love to come visit but there's somewhere else I need to go right now."
She turned to Sy "Would... I be able to go home for a few days?"
Sy softly smiled, "Yes, of course. That should be fine. We haven't had much luck locating anyone else's signal for the moment anyway."
"Are you sure it's safe?" Hawks asked worriedly.
"Why wouldn't it be safe?" Rena asked back.
"The accident.. What if–" Hawks started.
"I'll be fine, Hawkie. I'm not walking into–"
"That's what you said this time and yet you almost... If I had been one second–" Hawks's face twisted into a disappointed frown.
"But you weren't. You made it just when I needed you." Rena smiled trying to comfort him.
"I may have this time, but that was in my world. It's not like I can go with you to yours. Who's going to protect you there?" Hawks asked.
"I'll be watching over her." said a voice from behind them.
Rena jumped at the surprise before turning around and glaring annoyedly at the new arrival.
"How many times are you going to scare me like that!" she yelled.
"Not my fault you get scared easily. Anyway, like I said, I'll watch over her as she's there. I can go unnoticed easily." he said.
"Umm are you sure about that? You kind of stick out like a sore thumb." Rena joked. "I mean, literally anyone can tell you're the Grim Reaper."
"I'm not a reaper. I'm the Guardian of Death, Thank you." Bob said.
"Umm.." Hawks mumbled, a little shocked and confused.
"Oh, Hawks, boys, meet the Guardian of Death, who goes by Bob," Rena said introducing him.
"Yo!" Bob said with a wave.
"Yo.. ?" Hawks awkwardly replied.
"Whoaah, are you the Grim Reaper?" Midoriya said with sparkles in his eyes, reaching for his notebook.
"Tch, I'm not scared of Death," Bakugo grumbled.
"Hello," Todoroki answered plainly.
"I just said I'm not a reaper..." Bob semi-whispered.
"Aannyway. Can I ask why you're inviting yourself?" Rena asked annoyed.
"Because." He answered simply.
"Because why?" Rena pushed.
"Because I want to, that's why," he replied.
"No," Rena said firmly.
"Why not?" he asked.
"Because." she mocked.
"Because why?"
"Because I said so, that's why,"
"Wha–" Bob started.
"Not so funny is it?" Rena joked.
"Touche. I see your point. Glad to see you are in a better mood." He joked.
"I wouldn't say better mood. I'm just not going to dwell on it. There's no point. It would only drag me back down into the darkness and I don't want to go back there. I probably wouldn't come back out this time." She said the last part under her breath.
"You won't even know I'm there." He said proudly
"Yea because you've been so incognito the last two times." Rena deadpanned.
"That's because I wanted you to see me, just like now. I could go incognito right now to prove my point."
"Ugh, whatever. It's fine.. Just don't do anything creepy.. Again." She glared.
The heroes were just staring in confusion at the banter going on between their teacher/friend and the grim reaper. It was not something they were expecting to see. Sure, Hawks had seen him in the memories but there was so much information to take in at once he sort of pushed that information back.
"Hey, Bob! You still haven't answered my question from last time!" Natsu interrupted.
"And what question was that?" he responded.
"Do you have a fancy guardian name like the others?" Natsu asked.
"That's the dumbest question ever, Natsu." Gray snickered.
"Shutup Gray, It's no like you don't want to know either." Natsu, spit back.
"Who says Bob isn't fancy?" Bob answered, or more like dodged the question again.
"It just doesn't seem to match the others," Natsu answered back. "Wait I know! You!" he pointed to Aviv, "What's his real name?"
"It's–"Before he could answer Bob interrupted.
"AVIV! You're looking wellll not so great actually. You alright? "
"I didn't exactly have the best time, so no. But I'll be fine. Fusing with one of Sy's androids will help stabilize me for recovery." Aviv signed.
"Did they steal some of your essence?"
"Yes. And it was extremely painful I might add."
"I hate to break up this reunion but it's time we got the students back to their world, along with you Hawks." Sy said.
"Finally!" Bakugo grumbles.
"You sure you can get us back to when we left? I don't want my father sending out a search party." Todoroki said.
"Miss Mystic, does this mean you won't be our teacher anymore?" Midoriya asked.
"Ah yes. I'm sorry boys. I was only working there as a cover. Principal Nezu understood. I believe he already had someone lined up to take my place once I had to leave."
"Hmph. That sucks, you were pretty good." Bakugo said.
"Kacchan! Did you just compliment someone?" Midoriya asked excitedly.
"Tch. Shut up nerd!" he growled.
Todoroki let out a rare chuckle.
Hawks turned towards Rena. "Well guess this is it then," he said sadly, rubbing the back of his head with one hand awkwardly.
"Hey. Don't look so sad. You're not alone either, Mr. Hero." Rena said, playfully hitting his arm to break the tension.
He smiled back at her. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Take care then, ok kid?"
"Oi, what'd I say about calling me kid?" Rena narrowed her eyes.
"Right, sorry. Take care.. Mystie."
"You too, Hawkie."
"Gross" Bakugo whispered behind them.
Sy handed the four of them a bracelet device. "These are set to take you back to your world and to a few minutes before you ran into each other. Do not run into your previous self. Also, keep these devices. If we ever need to bring you back here this will allow for travel between your world and here. Thank you for your help Hawks. Sorry for bringing you kids into this but since you know things about the mission, keep these so we can keep you safe in case he tries anything. Alright. That should be it. I'll send you back now."
The 4 stood off to the side. Just before Sy hit the button to send them back Rena yelled "WAIT!" causing everyone to pause.
She ran up and wrapped her arms around Hawks hugging him as she whispered "Thank you."
He smiled and returned the hug "Anytime." he whispered back.
Rena stepped back and Hawks gave a wave as Sy teleported them back to their world.
~End of My Hero Academia Arc~
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