Warnings: Strong Language, Character Death
“Good. Since we have more people now, I suppose we should just go around and give introductions again.” Rena hit a button, and a table with chairs started to rise from the ground. “There’s a lot of us so let’s make it quick. There’s something I’d like to talk to you all about since everyone is here all at once. Everyone has a seat.” Rena gestured towards the table that had appeared.
Everyone returned to their respective groups and some took seats at the table while the others stood behind. Rena went over to a wall and pushed another button that opened up a secret closet that had a wide variety of weapons. Rena reached down and grabbed a box. She pushed the button again to close the closet and carried the box back to her seat. She placed herself at the head of the table, Sy rolled herself over to the right of her. As everyone was getting settled, Law and Bepo returned, small smiles across their faces. Law just casually leaned against the wall behind the straw hat group.
“Alright now that everyone is here. Lets begin, Luffy, why don’t you start us off and we can just go around the table. We can keep it to just your name and your abilities.” She gestured towards Luffy. Then turned her attention towards her box. Raising the lid she began fiddling with things as the group went around introducing themselves. Rena’s face had turned to a more serious frown. Finally, it had reached the last two to introduce themselves, Rena and Sy.
“Hello everyone. Most of you already know me but since the Pirates are new here let me introduce myself once again. My name is Sybil but you can just call me Sy. I’m basically the brains behind this whole operation. I have the gift of clairvoyance and I’m also an exceptionally skilled engineer as you can see by all the gadgets around us.” She grinned a proud smile.
Hmph. They really are trying to fool me and they almost have Sy down to a T, But it’s definitely not her. Rena’s gears were turning in her head. She couldn’t figure out what this ploy was of an intruder pretending to be Sy. What could they possibly gain from that? Well, I suppose a lot of intel on the guardians whereabouts and what not. Shit this really is bad. I wonder how long they’ve been here. Better question though, where the fuck is the real Sy?
Rena was lost in thought when Sy finally poked her side “Hey it’s your turn.”
“Right.” Rena said as she finally pulled out the object she had been fiddling with the whole time out of the box. She closed the box and set the gun on top of it. Eyes across the room grew concerned and curious, especially Sy. Rena wasn’t usually a gun person.
“Well.. Many of you know me by my code name Mystic, but my real name is Serena Reyes, but I go by Rena. I wasn’t born with any special abilities but I was granted powers by one of the guardians. But enough about all that, you all know what I can do as most of you have seen me in action. Let’s move on.”
Rena picked up the gun, looking at it for a moment, then clicked the safety off. “I’ve been made aware that there is a traitor among us. No wait.. Traitor isn’t the right word. A spy. A fake. And I’m not entirely thrilled about it. So.. I just have one question for this intruder.”
Rena’s face was cold with rage. She looked around the room, looking eyes with almost everyone, sending chills down their spines. Everyone was itching with curiosity, they had never seen Rena with such fury in her eyes.
“Just one question.” Rena lifted the gun to her right, pointing it directly against Sy’s forehead. “Where the fuck is Sy?” Rena questioned.
“No. You are definitely NOT Sy. Now, I really don’t like repeating myself. Tell me where she is.”
Rena moved the gun slightly and BANG. Everyone jumped in shock but Rena just stood her ground and moved the smoking gun back to Sy’s head.
“I said I don’t like to repeat myself. Do I make myself clear?”
“Rena, please. Don’t do this. I’m Sy-” she pleaded but Rena interrupted her “NO! Don’t give me that bullshit. I could tell almost immediately you weren’t her. Multiple things gave you away you fucking bastard. You think I wouldn’t notice how when you tackled me you managed to pore the poison on my wound. It seeped through my bandages and entered my bloodstream because I was still bleeding.”
“What are you talking about?” Sy pleaded, tears starting to fall down her face.
“Heh, I’m not a dense fucking idiot ~Sy~. Another point is that there’s no way Sy would have known I was poisoned. All communication was cut before I was stabbed, in fact the only people that knew I was poisoned would be the Pirates over there, me, and…..” she paused “...Ryker..” Rena growled the name as she pushed the gun against Sy’s head even harder. She put it together. The intruder posing as Sy was in fact Ryker.
Suddenly a menacing grin formed on Sy’s face as she began to chuckle. She snapped her fingers to remove her disguise revealing none other than Ryker himself. Everyone let out a gasp at the sudden plot twist.
“Well damn, didn’t think you’d catch me that fast. I thought I did a pretty good job.” he smirked.
“No. Actually you did a shit job.” Rena let a small smirk form “Just like the shit job you did at killing me.. Twice.”
Ryker frowned. “It would have worked if it wasn’t for that damned doctor!” He said, turning his glare towards Law who just gave his signature smirk right back.
“So are you going to answer my question? Or am I going to have to shoot you?” Rena snapped.
Ryker began to chuckle “I’m not telling you shit. Besides, you won’t shoot me. You don’t kill people, remember?”
Rena moved the gun down and BANG!
“Answer the question.”
“Fuck you!”
Rena moved the gun to point at his over leg. “Don’t fucking test me.”
“WAIT! FINE I’LL TELL YOU. I don’t know where she is..” Rena glared and moved the gun closer to his leg. “WAIT! But I will tell you HE has her.”
Rena’s face dropped for a moment before she regained her ferocity. “Call him. NOW!”
“Fine! Ok OK. but can you put the gun down?”
Rena’s glare and movement of the gun back to Ryker’s head answered his question. He gulped and moved to the computer, dialing Odysseus, clicking it so it displayed on the large screen behind Rena.
The ringing stopped as Odysseus answered the call and his face filled up the screen in a video call.
“Ryker you better have good—oh nevermind. I see you failed to kill her… again.” Odysseus glared, but smirked at the sight of Rena holding a gun to his man’s head. “So what do I owe the pleasure of receiving this conference with you ~Mystic~?”
“You know damn well why I’m calling.” she growled. “Where is Sy?”
“Sy? Whose Sy? OH! You mean that scientist bitch? Oh yea she’s right here.” Odysseus pushed a button to show a Sy chained up against a wall, blood dripping from her wrists and forehead. Rena clinched the gun. Her face twisting in immense rage.
“Tell you what.. Since she refuses to give me any information I want, I’ll give her back to you, If you do me a favor. “He grinned evilly.
“What?” Rena spat.
“Kill Ryker. Right now. It should be fantastically amusing. He’s clearly useless and I want to see you fall completely Ms. I don’t kill people. So boring.. Let’s see if you have what it takes. Take my trash out for me and I’ll give you back your little pet.”
There was a slight pause as Rena was considering the offer. She moved her eyes to look at Ryker, not moving her head from facing the screen. “No.. wait!.” Ryker pleaded. Rena looked back towards the screen and into Odysseus’ eyes.
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