Elowen - Guardian of Elements: Earth75Please respect copyright.PENANAXWktfo81OF
~Back in the Heart Kingdom~
“My magic? Is there something wrong with it?” Rena asked, getting slightly nervous that she had been found out.
“Nothing is wrong with it per say but, we found your magic to be familiar. It has a similar mana presence as a guardian deity that resides in the strong magic region to the northwest of our kingdom. She guided us into becoming the spirit guardians we are today. Do you have any connection to a Dryad?” Gaja spoke.
“A Dryad? No, I can’t say that I do.” Rena replied.
“May we ask where you come from? Your magic seems well above the other clover kingdom mages.” Queen Loropechika asked.
“I come from the Clover Kingdom.” Rena answered. I’m just going to have to tell them aren’t I. This is getting kind of old to be honest.
“Were you somewhere before you were in the Clover Kingdom?” This time it was the Undine that spoke.
“Am I under interrogation? This feels a bit unnecessary.” Rena was a little annoyed, it felt like they were beating around the bush. Just ask me straight up.
“We just would like to know if you came from another Kingdom before the Clover Kingdom. Your magic is strong. We need to know if you are our ally, or if you are perhaps a spy from Spade.” Gaja asked in a serious tone.
“Oh, I see. I can assure you I am not from the Spade Kingdom.” Rena let out a sigh, “I came from.. Overseas, to the Clover kingdom to join the Black Bulls. My… kingdom, received a coded message. It was a warning, or so we believe, about one of our enemies. I was sent on a mission to stop our enemy from getting their hands on weapons that could be used against us”
“That doesn’t explain why your magic feels so familiar.” Gaja stated.
“I believe I could shed some light on that my dear Gajie~.” A voice echoed in the room, earning an eye roll from the ever serious Gaja.
The woman was tall, with fair skin, green hair, and long pointy ears. Her dress was made out of leaves, flowers, and vines. She entered the room with such grace. She seemed to float effortlessly across the room. There was an ethereal glow about her and one could even say they heard mystical music playing. Everyone was awestruck at her beauty, until it snapped when she tripped over a vine that was coming from her dress.
She fell face first into the ground, arms stretched out above her head.
“Are you alright Miss!?” Asta said, breaking everyone out of their awestruck trance.
“Owie. That hurt!” She said as she pushed herself off the ground. She looked up and gave a huge smile to everyone. “Gaajjiiee~, can you help me up?” she beamed up at the man.
He let out a small grumble as he walked over to help the woman up. Once she was up she dusted herself off then jumped on Gaja giving him a big hug. “Thank you dearie. I was so happy you all called me to the palace. I guess I got too excited and forgot to trim my dress! Now then let’s take a looksie at the new guests!”
“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Elowen. This is the guardian deity we were telling you about.”
She turned and glazed around at everybody. She had a huge smile on her face. “Well hello everyone! I’m so excited to meet you all!” she turned to Gaja “Now who was the one you had questions about.”
“That would be Miss Mystic,” Gaja said, pointing to Rena.
Elowen turned towards Rena and her smile dropped. She just stared at Rena for what felt like an eternity. It wasn’t an eternity but it was long enough to make Rena feel uncomfortable.
Rena started to shuffle her stance, “Um..” she was about to say something when suddenly Elowen rushed forward and was inches away from Rena’s face. The expression on her face was unreadable.
“You..” she started to whisper. “Your magic, show me.”
Rena felt a little nervous, “Um, alright.” she mumbled as she activated her magic, deciding to start with her Earth form.
Elowen had stepped back and watched Rena do a small spell with her magic. Her eyes filled with curiosity. She then looked up at Rena, “I’m told you possess more than one element? What else can you do?”
“I can use water, fire, air, and light as well.” Rena explained.
Elowen was silent for a moment before she started to smile. “Show me! Show me them all but this time… use your original amplifier.”
“What do you mean?” Rena asked.
“You don’t actually use a grimoire do you?” Elowen grinned.
“Um..” Rena was hesitant to answer.
“It’s alright darling! I have a hunch but I need to see your magic properly. Channeling your magic to change your amplifier is taking away from your true potential.”
“Wait really?” Aether didn’t tell me that.
“Of course! Now let me see it!” Elowen said with excitement.
“Alright, here it goes.”
Rena let her magic change the grimoire back into her staff. Then she let her magic flow, the staff rotating around her changing her through each form. Once she was done she released her magic, grabbing her staff as it changed back into the baton.
Everyone was staring at Mystic, speechless at the power she had when she was wielding her amplifier in its normal form. Elowen’s expression had grown into that of pure excitement. She looked ecstatic. She rushed up to Rena, grabbing her hands as she beamed.
“Tell me… Were you trained by Lady Aether? The Guardian of Elements?!” Elowen asked, her eyes so wide they looked like they would pop.
“Y-yes..” Rena answered, feeling a little overwhelmed by the energy of this Dryad woman.
“OH MY! That’s wonderful! Wait. Oh my gosh... Is she okay!? I heard about what happened with the Highers at the trial! I can’t believe Fury would do such a thing!” She rambled on.
“Wait, you know Aether? And about what happened?” Rena asked surprised.
“Well of course dear! Oh my, let me properly introduce myself. I am Elowen, Guardian of Elements: Earth. I’m a lower rank Guardian, Aether is my superior. To think she trained you in all of the elements! You are so lucky!”
“You’re one of those Guardians?!” Rena yelped.
“Yes! Tell me, where is Lady Aether? I heard Lady Versa sent everyone through portals but no one has heard if anyone has been found. Oh but I suppose Aether found her way to you. That’s so wonderful!” Elowen said as she moved both her hands to her cheeks.
“She’s alright. We’ve actually located a few of the Higher Guardians.” Rena said with a smile.
“Oh my! That’s wonderful news! I’ve been hiding out here, hoping Fury doesn’t come looking for me. Rumor has it he isn’t too interested in the Elemental Guardians. However, He has been targeting other lower ranked ones,” She said, her expression turning into one of fear.
“I didn’t realize he was targeting lower guardians. I thought he was just after the Higher Guardians.” Rena said softly.
“Ahem, would either of you like to explain what is going on?” Gaja interrupted.
“Oh my! Of course! The reason why Mystic’s magic is so familiar is because it’s Guardian magic. My superior is the one who trained her!” Elowen explained, her expression turning back into a smile.
“Well, it’s not just that. She gave me some of her essence so it would be easier for me to wield the magic.” Rena added on.
“That’s why it’s so strong!” Elowen gleamed.
“So she’s not from the Spade Kingdom?” the queen asked timidly.
“Even if she was I don’t sense any malice intent from her, but I do have to ask, where did you train with Aether? I surely would have noticed her essence if she was in this world.” Elowen turned towards Rena again.
Rena let out a sigh, “Well, you see.. When I say I’m from overseas, I really mean that I’m from a different world.”
“Another world? Like the underworld the Devils are from?!” the queen gasped.
“I promise you I’m not a Devil, nor from the underworld. My world is another human world and actually the world I come from doesn’t have magic at all.” Rena chuckled a little.
“No magic!? Worlds like that exist?” Noelle suddenly chimed in.
“Wait, does that mean you didn’t have magic before?” Asta asked.
“It’s a long story but yes, I was born without magic.” Rena explained.
“So cool~” Asta said with stars in his eyes.
“How did you come across Aether then?” Elowen asked with curiosity.
“Well to put a long story short, Versa landed in my world, we bonded, traveled to another world called Ureka, and that’s where we met up with Aether. She gave me some of her essence, trained me for a little while before we set out to find the other guardians.” Rena explained.
“WAIT! You’re bonded with Versa! Like Lady Versa?! Guardian of Realms?!” Elowen yelled excitedly.
“Yes.” Rena said simply.
“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!!” Elowen said, clasping her hands together. “You said you found others?”
“We’ve found Alkwan and Aviv, and of course Bob.”
“That’s such great news! I’m so happy to hear that!” Elowen gleamed.
Suddenly, a silver portal opened up and Finral stepped through.
“Uh guys? Captain Yami said we’re–”Finral started to say but stopped when he laid eyes on Elowen.”Well hello Miss, might I say that you are a god–NO Finral you have to stay strong for Lady Finnes.”
He stood up straight and cleared his throat. “Excuse me. What I was trying to say is Captain Yami called for us to go back to the hideout for a bit. It’s something urgent apparently.” his face dropped into one of annoyance “So looks like we’re going back for a few days.”
“Something Urgent?” Noelle asked.
“Awe but we just got started.” Asta whined.
“Yeah well, captain’s orders. He asked for Noelle, Mystic, and you Asta. So we better get going.” Finral sighed as he opened a portal.
“Well guess the training is paused for the moment. We’ll be back SOON!” Asta said as they grouped together.
"Give Aether my love Miss Mystic! I'm so happy to hear she's safe. Thank you." Elowen called out.
"Of course. Take care Lady Elowen." Rena smiled as she followed the group through Finral's portal.
Elowen - Guardian of Elements: Earth75Please respect copyright.PENANAnfXlAruYNk