As the trio neared the ship, they noticed a few of its crew on the beach. Two women were basking in the sun on the sandy ground, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. One had long, flowing orange hair and wore a bikini, while the other had long black hair and was reading a book, occasionally glancing up to join in the conversation. A man with blonde hair stood over a grill, flipping skewers of meat and vegetables, the aroma wafting through the air and mixing with the salty sea breeze. Two other men and a small animal drooled at the smell, their eyes fixed on the sizzling food. One of the men, with a long nose and goggles on his head, tried to maintain his composure, while the other, a bubbly man with black hair and a straw hat on top of his head, was practically bouncing in anticipation. A small reindeer with a blue nose and a pink hat stood beside them, his eyes wide with excitement. A skeleton leaned back in a chair, playing his violin and singing merry tunes, his bony fingers dancing over the strings.
One of the drooling men, a tall figure with a straw hat, looked over and saw the trio approaching.
“TRAFFY!! What are you doing on this island??” Luffy screamed with such enthusiasm it could knock a person out.
The captain scoffed. “Don’t ask. And how many times have I told you to call me Trafalgar, straw hat-ya.”
Bepo, a large polar bear in a jumpsuit, spoke up. “Hai, Straw Hat. Would you mind if we use your infirmary? We have an injured girl and need to bandage her up quickly! And we don’t… exactly have our submarine nearby at the moment. I’m sorry!”
The crew on the beach finally looked over and noticed the trio approaching.
The man cooking, Sanji, whipped his head around at the mention of a girl, hearts in his eyes. “Did I hear a girl??” His face darkened as he saw the girl was injured. “What did you do to this innocent girl, Law?”
“I didn’t do anything except remove the poison from her system,” Law said stoically.
Bepo pleaded, “Please, we need to hurry. She fell from the sky and is in really bad shape! She was stabbed!”
A green-haired man, Zoro, appeared from the other side of the woods, carrying a hefty load of animals he had hunted. “Ah, fell from the sky, huh? Was that from the weird purple cloud that suddenly appeared?”
“Yes,” Law deadpanned.
“A purple cloud!? I wanna see!” Luffy yelped with excitement.
“Too late, Luffy. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I just happened to see it while I was hunting,” Zoro explained.
“So can we use your ship or not? This is kind of urgent,” Law snapped.
“Oh yes, of course! Chopper, is that okay with you?” Luffy shouted towards the little reindeer.
The animal in the crew, Chopper, jumped up. “Of course! Of course! Take whatever you need to help this poor girl! Do you need any assistance?”
“No. I should be quick. Bepo, you can stay here,” Law stated as he walked up to the ship. “Room. Shambles.”
Suddenly, Law and Rena were in the ship’s infirmary. He laid her on the bed and removed her shirt to get a closer look at her wound. He quickly stitched her up and wrapped her in bandages. After he was satisfied she would be okay, he sat back in a chair next to the bed. Looking at her, all sorts of questions flooded his mind again. Who was she? Why did she fall from the sky? Why was she injured? Why was she speaking a language he had never heard before? What was that thing she pulled out of her bag? Why did it suddenly make communication understandable? Why did her body seem to have two souls?
~Meanwhile, back on the beach.~
“So, Polar Bear guy, what are you guys doing on this island? Where is the rest of your crew?” Luffy asked the bear.
“Um… the captain doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry!” Bepo replied nervously.
“Did you guys come here right after Wano?” Nami, the woman with orange hair, asked.
“Not exactly, Nami-san. We were headed to an island when we were attacked. Wait! I shouldn’t say anything! I’m sorry!” Bepo stammered.
“Stop apologizing!” Usopp, the man with the long nose, shouted at the bear.
“I’m sorry!” Bepo said again.
“Why don’t you guys stop pestering the poor mink,” Sanji intervened, not wanting to hear more apologizing. “So, Bepo, what can you tell me about that lovely lady who fell from the heavens? She must be an angel~~”
“Um, I don’t really know much. We were walking along, and the sky seemed to open up, and she just fell. The captain caught her and removed the blade from her stomach, then removed the poison from her system,” Bepo explained.
“She was poisoned?? What kind of poison?” Chopper asked worriedly.
“We don’t know. I’m sorry! It all happened so fast, and the girl passed out before we could ask anything. She was speaking some weird language at first, but then grabbed something from her bag, and suddenly we could understand her!” Bepo said.
“But we only received two words before she blacked out,” Law interrupted suddenly, reappearing on the beach.
“CAPTAIN! How is she?” Bepo asked anxiously.
“She’ll survive. Bepo, where did her bag go?” Law inquired.
“Ah, here it is, captain! I’m sorry!” Bepo handed Law the bag, and he turned to head back to the ship without another word.
Back in the infirmary, Law sat next to the girl again. He glanced her over once, then turned to inspect the contents of her bag, hoping to find some answers. He pulled out the strange device she had grabbed, looking it over. It didn’t look like much, but when he touched one of the buttons on the side, the screen lit up.
“Must be some sort of technology,” Law muttered.
Placing it on the desk, he went back into the bag to pull out a wallet, some clothes, and another strange-looking device that resembled a baton. Law placed all the items on the desk. Reaching for the wallet, he opened it and saw an ID card. For a moment, all the characters on the card were unreadable, but suddenly they began to change into something Law could read.
“Hm. Serena. Is that your name?” Law wondered aloud.
Suddenly, the girl started to twitch, as if having a nightmare. Law quickly moved to her side to make sure she didn’t accidentally hurt herself while flailing about. Her breathing suddenly increased as she began to have an episode. Law grabbed her arms and shook her a little.
“Hey! If you can hear me, you’re alright. You’re safe. I need you to breathe. You’re having a nightmare,” Law said firmly.
Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she sat straight up. Law jumped back in shock from her sudden movement.
“Hey. Are you okay? Breathe for me. You were having a nightmare,” Law repeated.
She locked eyes with the man next to her. “Where am I? Who are you? What happened?”
“You are in the infirmary of the Straw Hats’ ship. My name is Trafalgar Law. You were stabbed with a poisoned blade. I removed the blade and the poison from your system,” Law explained. He thought it best to leave out the part about her falling from the sky, as that might cause more panic if she didn’t remember the incident.
“Okay. Thank you,” she said, her voice weak.
“May I ask your name?” Law inquired, even though he assumed it was what he saw on the ID card.
“My name? Um… It’s… It’s… I… don’t… know…” she stammered.
“Hm. Interesting,” Law mused.
“Do you know who I am?” she asked, her eyes filled with confusion.
Law stepped towards the desk, picking up her wallet and handing it to her. “This was in your bag. I’m assuming it’s all of your information. Maybe it can jog your memory.”
Rena grabbed the wallet and opened it, examining the ID. “Serena…” she stared blankly, whispering to herself.
“Do you know where you came from?” Law asked.
Rena looked up towards the man. “I’m not from here?”
Law looked at her blank expression, coming to one conclusion. The poison must have caused her to have amnesia.
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