Rena looked at the closed door. She wasn't sure what to make of her situation. Her memory was gone—so gone she didn't even know her own name or where she came from. She turned her eyes towards the desk again, hoping something would trigger a memory, even if it was small. Still nothing.
Well, I guess for now I'll just eat and rest like the doctor told me. He looked upset before he left. I hope I didn't say something wrong. She began to eat the meal the cook had brought her. Oh wow! This is amazing. I'll have to give my compliments to the chef. She quickly finished the meal and her drink. Feeling full, she began to feel sleepy, so she decided to follow the doctor's orders, lay down, and quickly drifted off to sleep.
When Law stepped out onto the main deck of the ship, the entire Straw Hat crew was waiting. The remaining crew members who were not present at the beach when Law and Bepo emerged from the woods with an injured woman had been semi-informed of the situation by the others. After a few awkward seconds of silence, Luffy spoke up. “So, Torao, how is she?” Law sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “She’s fine; however, she seems to have amnesia. For now, she needs to rest, so…” Law gave the rowdy crew a look over. “...leave her alone and try to stay quiet.” Law walked to the edge of the ship but stopped and glanced over his shoulder. “Raccoon-ya, check on her in a few hours. I’m going. I’ll be back tonight.” “Oh, of course! Wait... I’M A REINDEER, NOT A RACCOON!” Chopper yelled, but Law was already gone.
Rena was sleeping peacefully when she suddenly began to dream.
Rena was standing in a field just outside a city. The sun was setting, causing the sky to mix colors of blue, red, orange, and pink. It would have been a beautiful sunset if it weren’t for all of the screams. Screams? Who was screaming? Rena turned around to see civilians running from monsters. Wait, were they monsters? They looked like deformed humans. Rena’s hand felt heavy. She looked down. She was wielding a weapon. She lifted it up towards her face. It looked similar to the item she saw on the desk back on the ship. Wait?! Is this a memory of what happened? She quickly looked up and all around, taking in her surroundings. Just what is happening? Suddenly, she heard a crackling laugh. She turned to see a man, but she couldn’t quite make out his face.
“Oh Mystic,” he chuckled. “You can’t run from us anymore. We’ve found out all the things you’ve been keeping from us. We know which Earth you are from, your background, and even who that little pet of yours is... she’s someone from your future. Isn't she… Rena~?” he smiled an evil grin, then vanished.
Rena turned her head in every direction but couldn’t make out where he went.
When she turned back around, he was directly in front of her. He swung his weapon at her, cutting off the bag that she didn’t notice was hanging from her shoulder.
“Would you like to know what secrets your little ~pet~ is keeping from you?” He was still grinning a disgusting smile. “She's…” Suddenly, Rena couldn’t make out what he was saying.
The man let out a terrifying laugh. Rena suddenly felt warm and cold at the same time, and there was a sharp pain in her stomach. She reached down and felt a handle sticking out of her stomach. The man started to say more, but Rena couldn’t hear anything. All her senses seemed to shut off. Suddenly, she felt herself being pushed backwards, and then she was falling.
Rena jolted up in a cold sweat. The room was dark, and for a moment, she had no clue as to where she was. As her eyes adjusted, she remembered she was in the infirmary of a ship. She laid back down and put a hand on her head to calm herself down. *Was that a memory? It felt so real.* She moved her hand down to her stomach. She felt bandages, so it had to have been a memory. *That must be what happened before the doctor found me. But why did I feel like I was falling? I feel like that doctor isn’t telling me everything. I should go find him. How long have I been asleep?* she whispered to herself as she slowly sat back up.
Suddenly, the door began to open. Rena looked over to see if it was the doctor, but she didn’t see anyone, or wait, did she? She looked down to see a figure coming into the room. It looked like an animal? Whatever it was, it walked towards the desk and turned on the lamp. As soon as it turned on the lamp, Rena accidentally let out a gasp at what she saw—it was a little reindeer with a hat.
Her gasp startled the poor thing, and it jumped to hide behind the chair with its legs sticking out the opposite way.
“Oh, I’m sorry, little guy. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Rena chuckled at the way he was standing behind the chair but was a little confused at how a reindeer could walk on two hooves and turn on a desk lamp.
“Oh, that’s alright, Miss Serena. I just didn’t expect you to be awake already,” the reindeer replied.
“Oh, you can talk too?” Rena asked, her eyes wide with surprise.
“Yes. My name is Tony Tony Chopper, but you can just call me Chopper, and I’m a reindeer that ate the Human-Human fruit,” he explained.
“The what?” she looked at him, confused.
“The Human-Human fruit is a devil fruit that gave me the ability to move around and talk like humans do,” Chopper explained.
“Oh... what’s a devil fruit?”
“You don’t know what devil fruits are?” Chopper asked, tilting his head.
“No, I don’t. I’m sorry. I think the doctor said I wasn’t from around here? Or it’s from my amnesia...” She looked down to her lap.
“Oh, it’s alright, Miss Serena! No need to feel sorry. You must have been through something terrible. I’m sure Luffy will let you stay here and rest until you get your memories back. Though he might ask you to join the crew,” Chopper giggled at the mention of his captain.
“Who is Luffy?” Rena asked, curiosity piqued.
“Oh, he’s my captain,” the little guy grinned.
“So Law isn’t your captain?” Rena inquired.
“No, he's captain of the Heart Pirates. But we were in an alliance with him and his crew for a while, so he’s our friend,” Chopper explained.
“Oh, right. I think he said something about that before he left earlier. Um, he seemed... upset when he left. Did I do something to upset him?” Rena asked, concern evident in her voice.
“No, I don't think that was you. He’s usually pretty grumpy, but I think something happened to him recently. He hasn’t said anything to us about it, though,” Chopper reassured her.
“Oh, alright. Do you know when he will be back? I wanted to talk to him about some things,” Rena said.
“He said he would be back later, but I’m not sure when that would be. He did tell me to check on you, though. Would you mind if I take a look at your bandages?” Chopper asked.
“I don’t mind,” Rena replied.
Chopper moved the chair towards Rena and jumped on it to get a closer look at her bandages.
“Looks like they need to be changed. Let me do that for you really quick,” Chopper said.
Chopper quickly cleared her of her old bandages and reapplied new ones. Rena looked in awe as the little reindeer was surprisingly good at what he was doing. After he was done, he jumped down and tossed the old bandages away.
“Wow, you are really good at wrapping bandages, Chopper,” Rena complimented.
Chopper began to do a little wiggle dance. “~Oh, stop it, you silly. You don’t need to praise me. I’m only doing my job~”
Rena giggled at his reaction to her compliment.
Chopper stopped his little dance. “But really, it’s my job. I am this ship's doctor, after all.”
“Wait, you're a doctor too?” Rena asked, surprised.
“Yup! I’m the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates!” he cheered.
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