When Rena opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that she had slept without having another dream. She felt rather good for someone with a stab wound in her belly. Rena swung her legs over the bed and reached her arms above her head, giving her body a nice stretch. She let out a yawn before sliding off the bed. She looked over at the desk before walking towards it and picking up the odd square device and the item they believed to be a weapon. She examined both of them before putting them down. She looked at the clothes on the desk.
Why would I have just one change of clothes in my bag? Was I going somewhere? Well, I might as well change out of the clothes I’m wearing, she thought.
Rena changed into a simple pair of jean shorts and a blue t-shirt that hugged her form. She put her black high-top converse back on and then swept her hair to the side, folding it into a long braid. When she was done, she glanced once more at the items on the desk before her nose caught a whiff of something slightly familiar.
“Mmm. Something smells wonderful,” she hummed out loud.
As she turned to open the door, she jumped back as it opened, revealing the large polar bear, Bepo.
“Oh, good morning, Bepo,” Rena chirped.
“I’m sorry, miss! I didn’t know you would be out of bed yet! Captain told me to come get you. Breakfast is ready,” Bepo said, looking apologetic.
“That’s alright, Bepo. You don’t need to apologize,” Rena reassured him.
“I’m sorry!” Bepo repeated, bowing his head.
Rena giggled at the bear. “Alright, I’m starving. Can you show me where the food is?”
“Of course! Follow me!” Bepo said, leading the way.
Rena followed Bepo through the door, surprised that it led straight to the dining room/kitchen. Once she stepped through the threshold, her eyes scanned the room to see ten people staring back at her.
“Um… Hi?” Rena gave a soft wave, not really sure what to do with all the attention.
“SERENA-CHWANN~~ Good Morning!” Sanji, the blonde cook with hearts in his eyes, was the first to break the silence.
Sanji was swiftly knocked in the back of the head by the woman with orange hair. “Sanji, it is way too early for that crap. She just woke up, give it a rest,” Nami scolded him. She looked up to Rena and smiled. “So Serena, is it? Sorry about him, he’s a little ‘girl crazy’.”
“Oh, that’s alright. And actually, you can just call me Rena. It’s my nickname… I think?” Rena replied, a bit unsure.
“Well, good morning, Rena. My name is Nami, and I believe you’ve met this idiot, Sanji,” Nami introduced herself.
“Ah yes, thank you for the food and drink last night. It was wonderful,” Rena said gratefully.
“AHH Miss Rena-chwann~~” Sanji exclaimed, falling backwards with a nosebleed… again.
“Umm…” Rena looked confused.
“He’s fine,” Nami deadpanned. “Anyway, let me introduce you to the rest of the crew.”
She pointed to a boy wearing an unbuttoned red shirt, long jean shorts, with a yellow fabric tied around his waist. On his head was a straw hat with a red band around the middle.
“This here is our Captain, Luffy.”
“HAI! I’m Luffy and I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” Luffy declared enthusiastically.
She pointed to a man with green hair and three swords on his hip.
“This here is our swordsman and first mate, Zoro.”
“Sup,” Zoro simply nodded.
“Next, we have our sniper, Usopp.”
“Hello!” Usopp greeted cheerfully.
“Chopper, our Doctor. Oh, you’ve met already, right?” Nami continued.
“Hey Miss Rena! Are you feeling better?” the little reindeer waved excitedly.
“Ah yes, thank you, Chopper,” Rena smiled back.
“Robin, our archeologist.”
“Good morning,” Robin smiled softly.
“Franky, our Shipwright,” Nami pointed to a rather large mechanical-looking man.
“Whoa,” Rena whispered softly under her breath.
“Yo,” Franky greeted.
“Brook, our musician,” Nami pointed to a skeleton with an afro.
“Lovely to meet you, may I see your panties~” Brook asked with a playful tone.
“Um… no?” Rena replied, more shocked at a talking skeleton over his request to see her panties.
“And lastly, our newest member and our Helmsman, Jinbe.”
“Hello, Miss,” the fishman replied with a smile.
Rena smiled back and gave a small wave. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Here, you can come sit next to me and have some breakfast. I’m sure you need it after what you’ve been through,” Nami patted the seat next to her, offering Rena a plate of food.
“Yes, that would be fantastic, thank you,” Rena said, sitting down next to Nami and beginning to eat her food as the Straw Hats went back to their usual antics.
Bepo smiled at the girl sitting down, looking more full of life than she did the day before. He grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee before heading out the door to find his captain.
Rena noticed Bepo leave. “He’s not going to eat breakfast?” she asked.
“Ah, he’s probably going to go find his captain. It looked like he was bringing him some coffee,” Nami explained.
“Coffee? Is that what that wonderful smell is?” Rena inquired.
“Would you like some?” Nami offered.
“I would love some… I think?” Rena replied, still unsure.
Nami looked at Sanji, who nodded and went to grab her a cup of coffee.
“Oh right, you have amnesia. Torao-kun was saying something about that. Do you think you liked coffee in your… past life?” Nami asked.
“I must have if I think it smells so wonderful. But calling it my past life sounds like I died,” Rena let out a small chuckle.
“Well, you were in pretty bad shape when they brought you to our ship,” Nami said.
“Miss Rena-chan, what would you like in your coffee?” Sanji piped up.
“Oh, um, I’m not sure. Surprise me?” Rena replied.
“Of course!~” Sanji said excitedly.
“Thank you,” Rena smiled as the cook set the cup in front of her, taking in its lovely smell. She picked it up and sipped it slowly, savoring its taste. “It’s wonderful.”
“I’m glad you like it, Rena-chwan,” Sanji said, satisfied that the lady loved his creation.
“Would you like a tour of the ship after breakfast, Rena?” Nami asked, wanting to change the subject.
“Yes, I think I would like that. I could use something to distract me for a bit,” Rena agreed.
“Of course,” Nami smiled.
In another part of the ship, Law was sitting in a chair reading the morning paper when Bepo walked in with his coffee.
“Here you go, Captain,” Bepo set the cup down in front of Law.
“Thanks. How is she?” Law asked, not looking up from the paper.
“She seems alright. She’s eating breakfast with the Straw Hats now. She seems to have a bit more life in her than yesterday,” Bepo reported.
“Hm,” Law responded in acknowledgment while still reading the paper.
“Captain?” Bepo hesitated.
“Yes?” Law prompted.
“Have faith in them, Captain. I’m sure they are okay. They are the crew of the Heart Pirates, after all. They are strong, and we will find them again,” Bepo said with conviction.
Law set the paper down and sighed, his hat covering his eyes as he looked down at the floor. He pulled both his hands up to his head, running his fingers through his hair, pushing his hat up a bit. He slid his hands down his face and rested his elbows on his knees. He looked up at Bepo for a moment before finally replying.
“Okay, Bepo. For you… I’ll have faith that they are okay,” Law said, his voice softening.
Bepo smiled at his captain. “For now, how about we help out Miss Rena? Something tells me helping her will be rewarding. She has an interesting smell.”
Law smirked a little at his first mate’s comment. “Yeah, she’s definitely an interesting woman.”