When Rena walked out to the deck, she was met with a rowdy bunch of pirates. Food, drinks, music, laughter—it was almost as if they had not just been threatened by the most dangerous man in every universe just hours ago. She smiled at their free-spiritedness. It reminded her of several other groups she had come across, like a group of Fairies and Bulls. I wonder what it’d be like if they met each other. They would probably all agree to have a party, and it’d probably be a party that would go down in history books. She laughed quietly at the thought before she was broken out of her trance as a plate of food was pushed in her face.
“Eat,” the doctor said flatly. Rena just stared at the plate for a moment before the delicious aroma overtook her senses, and she remembered just how desperately hungry she really was. She grabbed the plate and glanced up at the doctor.
“Thanks, Doc.” She smiled. He just ‘hmph’ in response and walked off to fill up his mug with more beer.
Rena found a spot to sit down and began to dig in. She only got a few bites in before she was surrounded by curious pirates. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper crowded her closely while the others stayed in their spots scattered across the deck. Zoro was on the opposite side, sitting with his back against the wall on his fifth bottle of sake. Sanji was leaning against the wall close to where Rena was sitting, a usual cigarette in his lips. Nami and Robin were sitting in their lounge chairs they had brought down from the upper decks. Franky and Jinbe were up by the helm of the ship, leaning on the railing and looking down at everyone. Brook was sitting on the swing with his violin, playing tunes as usual. Bepo was sitting off to the side with Law leaning against the railing next to him, looking out to the sea, lost in thought. Luffy decided to finally start the rounds of questioning Rena was not going to be able to escape.
“So, Rena, are you really from another world?!” he asked with such innocence in his eyes.
“Yes,” she simply said. She had a feeling she was about to be asked a million questions, so she didn’t want to waste too much time with unnecessary details. She was still feeling a bit overwhelmed with getting her memories back. She was flooded with a lot of memories she had either pushed away or just had forgotten (in the normal way one forgets memories). She hadn’t really had a moment to process everything since when she woke up, she was immediately thrown into a confrontation with Odysseus.
“That’s so cool!!” Luffy said excitedly. “What’s it like? Are there pirates in your world?”
“It’s… a simple world, really. Nothing too exciting about it, honestly. We do have pirates, but they are nothing like you guys. Really, the age of piracy for my world was centuries before my time. The ‘pirates’ in the present day are nothing like they used to be. Honestly, I wouldn’t even call them pirates.”
“How does your weapon work?” Usopp chimed in with curiosity.
Rena held up her weapon. “Oh, this?” She pressed a button, and the weapon transformed into a staff. She let it hover in the air above her, rotating through the elements. “It’s a staff that amplifies my magic. I can wield all of the elements.” Law, who had been spaced out looking at the sea, was brought out of his trance when he heard the word 'magic'. He turned around to listen in to the conversation, lifting his mug to take a sip.
“Magic? Is that how you were able to do all of those cool transformations?!” Chopper asked excitedly.
“Yes. I was not born with magic, but I was granted the powers of magic by the Guardian of Elements. Since I’m helping Versa find all of the other Guardians, they figured it’d be better if I had a stronger way to fight, I guess,” Rena said with a slight undertone of sadness. She didn’t really like using magic because she didn’t want to be reliant on it, knowing that after everything was over, she would go back to her normal, boring life, with no magic.
“I’d say you were born with magic. The way you play the piano is simply magical,” Brook chimed in.
“I didn’t even know you played the piano, Rena.” Versa suddenly manifested, scaring literally everyone. She had disappeared earlier when Law took Rena in to patch her back up. She said she needed to rest after showing everyone her memories all at the same time.
“CHRIST, V! You can’t just pop up like that,” Rena snapped. She then ran a hand through her hair as she replied with sadness in her voice. “But yeah… I used to play…” she took a sip of her drink. “I don’t play anymore, though.”
She cursed her amnesia for drawing her into touching the piano again. She refused to play after she lost someone special to her. “You look so beautiful when you play the piano, Ree. It’s magical.” She remembered him saying with that gorgeous smile, just days before he left, days before she never saw him again.
Law stepped up to the crowd, curious about her technology. “What about that other device you have? I’m curious as to what it is exactly.”
Rena was snapped out of her trance, and she perked up a little. “Oh, this?” she grabbed the small square device. “It’s a cell phone.”
“What’s a cell phone?” Luffy asked.
“Oh, um, it’s mainly a communication device. It allows me to talk to people far away, but there’s a lot of other things it can do too,” Rena explained, feeling like there was something she was missing. Something she was supposed to do.
“How did you use it to make me understand you?” Law questioned, gaining the attention of everyone. They all suddenly realized that they were talking to an individual from another world. How was it that she was speaking their language so clearly?
“It has a translator application. Once activated, it translates any language in its vicinity.” Rena started turning on the device and opening the application for everyone to see.
“So then are you speaking our language?” Robin surprisingly popped in, curiosity overtaking her. She was fascinated by other languages and foreign things.
“Not exactly. I’m actually speaking my native language, English, right now, but the device is translating it to yours, so it sounds like I’m speaking the language of this world, or well, the language it first detected. To me, it sounds like you are speaking English.”
“That’s amazing! How did you come across something like that?” Nami chirped.
“A friend of mine created it. Actually, she created all of these…” Rena trailed off as she was remembering something. Suddenly, she stood straight up, eyes wide in panic. “SY! OMG! SHE’S GOING TO KILL ME!”
Rena pulled the cell phone to her face and scrolled to Sy’s name. She hit the call button to call her friend. It had been almost four days without a word. She was probably worried sick. Shit. Shit. Shit! She probably thinks I’m dead! We’ve gone days without contact before, but it was talked about beforehand. I didn’t exactly get a chance to tell her I’d be off the grid for four days.
Ring, ring, ring. The Straw Hats all leaned in, curious how this cell phone worked.
Ring, ring, ring.
“Hello? Sy?” Rena said when there was no reply after someone had clearly answered.
Ohh, it’s like a transponder snail, they all thought.
“RENA?!?!” A voice screamed through the phone, causing Rena to hold it far away from her ear, wincing at the sudden loudness right in her eardrum. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA—”
Rena cut her off. “Calm down, Sy. I’ve only been gone four days. I’ve been gone longer before without contact. Please stop yelling in my ear.” There was a slight pause before Sy continued to yell. Might as well have this on speakerphone since everyone can hear her already.
“…wha-what?” Rena stuttered, her face turning pale.