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Skye168Please respect copyright.PENANAtDAaTOI16x
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The entire day was chaos.
I had school like every other human on the planet, and yet I had no classes with Mister Stalker, he was... everywhere.
In my head... In my sight.
At lunch, I was eating peacefully by myself, and every time I looked up, he glanced over at me from his friend group and... smirked.
He smirked!
Like he knew I was looking at him.
He was unsettling, honestly.
Sometimes... I wished that he cared. If he cared.
I still wasn't sure about that.
But now—it was four in the evening—and I sat at a booth in my favorite Thai shop, waiting patiently for Neveah to come out from the bathroom.
She always liked washing her hands before eating because of... I think she was afraid of sickness? I didn't know. She just always washed her hands before eating.
Not that that was abnormal or something, but... you know.
Because you're supposed to do that.
Oh, speaking of which.
I pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer from my purse and spread some on the palm of my hand, clicking it closed and lathering it on seconds later.
Now who's the clean freak.
But I gazed up when she came out, exhaling a yawn while she sat down on the booth in front of me.
"Good afternoon, Skye," Neveah said, smirking. "Master of dodgeball."
I rolled my eyes. "We don't talk about that."
She shrugged and shifted her position. "You know what you want?"
I nodded.
She waved at me. "Then talk away. I'm all ears."
I smiled and leaned forward.
We'd been planning to meet here so I could talk about my "Sebastian situation" for a couple days now. I didn't really want to tell my mom... because I was going to get killed, but I kind of was already.
"Oh, uhm, anyway," I said, gazing up, "so... you remember Sebastian, right?"
She took a sip from her cup. "Mystery man? Yeah."
"Well..." I said then, hesitating, "he's kind of... weird."
"That's an understatement," she commented.
I gazed up then. "He's been coming to my house every night, making breakfast one morning, and sometimes he decides it's best time to—"
"Woah—woah—woah," she said, putting her hands up. "Slow down. He's been coming to you every night?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"And he's been... feeding you breakfast?"
I nodded again.
She pursed her lips. "But... from what you told me over the scattered phone calls, I thought you said he was following you."
"He is," I replied, nodding. "But... I don't know what he wants from me."
"So I'm guessing this isn't him?" she asked me, pointing to her neck as an indication.
I touched the bandage subconsciously and shook my head. "No... I don't think so."
"But you don't know who it is," she told me.
"No?" I said then. "No, I don't."
"So how do you know it's not him?" she questioned me.
"Because..." I hesitated, "I don't know. I feel like he wouldn't."
She sipped from her cup again. "I see. It's all so clear now."
"What?" I questioned, leaning back a little.
She smirked up at me. "You like him."
I slammed my hands on the table instinctually. "WHAT?"
"Okay, one, dramatic," she said, pointing to me, "and two, it's clear as day."
I stammered for a moment.
"Do not deny your love," she told me, laughing softly. "I know what you're doing. Your denial is weird! You're just projecting all this attack crap on him because you like him, and you don't want to accept it, so you just assume it's him."
I put my finger up, but curled it back.
Yeah... maybe she was right.
But not about the crush thing.
"You know," Neveah told me, "maybe what you subconsciously want to do is tell him what's happening so he can protect you."
"I am capable of protecting myself," I told her, glaring.
"Says the girl who got choked out on the sidewalk," she muttered as I clenched my jaw. "Not to mention was supposed to stay at my house that night but decided it was a great decision to walk home by herself. WHEN someone was following her."
I rolled my eyes. "I thought I was going crazy. And how could you not suspect the person who's attacking me is Sebastian? He's the only one."
"You know what would be really cool?" Neveah said, leaning forward. "If this was one of those 'I'm protecting my lover from a killer' situation."
My mouth dropped. "What?"
"You heard me," she said, clicking her tongue. "Sounds so neat and cute. I totally bet that this is what's happening."
"You think Sebastian is some kind of top-secret spy whose task is to protect me from a killer?" I clarified.
"Mm—hmm," she said, sipping her drink again.
"What drugs are you on?" I questioned. "Are you insane?"
"I have an overactive imagination," she corrected. "I'm not considered clinically insane... yet."
I rolled my eyes.
I gazed up then, lips parting. "Hey... does he have a family?"
Neveah choked on her drink and busted out laughing.
"What?" I said then, brows drawing together. "What did I say?"
"Has a family?" she echoed, leaning back up. "What did you think he was born from? Cows?"
I smirked then, realizing what I just said was kind of funny.
"Are you two laughing at my misfortune?" someone said from next to me.
Neveah screamed, and I jumped slightly, getting used to this.
But I gazed up to find Sebastian there, standing at our table with his brows arched.
Yeah... this was going to happen a lot.
"Follow me after school?" I prompted.
He pursed his lips. "Nah. I work here. You two just have poor timing."
Neveah sat up fully. "Wait... are you our waitress?"
"Waiter," he corrected, smirking. "Not a woman, fortunately. And your waiter, nevertheless."
Neveah sat up fully, whispering, "See? Secret savior agent."
I rolled my eyes, gazing back up. "Why are you following me?"
"Excuse me, this time you followed me," Sebastian said, brows arched. "Creepy."
I sighed, shaking my head.
"So?" Neveah said, gazing up. "Are you like secretly in love with her and are protecting her from some serial killer?"
Sebastian's brows arched.
"Neveah, please sound remotely sane," I asked her.
"Because she's like totally into you," Neveah said.
I glared at her as Sebastian smirked.
"Oh?" Sebastian wondered, looking down at me. "You like me?"
"As said before," I replied, glaring at him, "you are insufferable. Now please take our orders before I decide to give you zero stars on Yelp."
"Oh, no," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "zero stars? How could you?"
I shook my head. "Just do it or I want your manager."
"Okay, Karen," he replied sarcastically, and I glared forward. "To what would you like to order, you fine young ladies?"
I sighed, closing my eyes tightly.
"I'd like your Pad Thai with Jasmine rice, please," Neveah asked him as he scratched down the order. "And, what do you want, Skye?"
"Uhm... the chicken taste thing," I muttered.
Sebastian chuckled. "You mean the Two Taste Chicken?"
"That one," I said this time.
He scratched it down and smirked.
Before he walked away, Neveah suddenly piped up, "Oh! One more thing!"
He glanced over and arched a brow.
"Skye wants a side of Sebastian," she said, making me stiffen.
I glared at her. "What the hell?"
She only smiled innocently.
Sebastian just smirked over at me as I tried to hide my embarrassment. "Sure thing, but for you?" He winked. "No extra charge."
My mouth flew open, and he just walked off, making me stare.
After a moment of shock, I turned to her. "What the hell is wrong with you? You know it's a horrible idea to give him so many ideas?"
She only sipped her drink again. "You like him, admit it."
I glared. "He could be the one who wants to kill me!"
She glanced over at Sebastian, pursing her lips. "Nah. Not the killer type."
"You don't know that!" I hissed. "He could be a good hider! Like Ted Bundy!"
Neveah just arched a brow. "Is someone watching serial killer documentaries again?"
I drew back, stammering. "They—they're interesting, okay?"
"They're giving you anxiety you don't need," she told me, shaking her head. "Seriously, Sebastian's not a bad one."
I just sighed. "How do you know? He's all mysterious and creepy, and he knows the killer, right?"
Neveah eyed him curiously for a moment, but remained silent.
"Do you really think that... he's a spy?" I asked her.
She smirked over at me. "Second thoughts?"
"It would explain it," I replied, shrugging. "Other than he's just being creepy and stuff."
"Order for my ladies," Sebastian said then, setting our plates in front of us.
"That was fast," Neveah commented.
I just sighed and gazed up at him. "Can I talk to you?"
He leaned against the table. "About what?"
I stood and shoved him back, walking out of ear shot as I waited for him to come near me.
He stopped next to me, and I could see Neveah smirking from a distance, but tried to ignore it.
"Yes, princess?"
"Who are you?" I whispered, gazing up at him.
He arched his brows. "Sebastian, you know, like the name. And I'm a guy."
"No—no—stop." I put my hand up and just gazed at him. "Answer honestly... do you want to hurt me?"
He remained silent for a moment, and I thought I saw something in his gaze darken. "Why would I want to hurt you, Skye?"
"Answer the question!" I hissed. "Not... dodge it! Stop doing that!"
He arched his brows at my fit, but I didn't care right now... I just wanted to know...
I needed to know.
"Sebastian," I said slowly, "do you want to hurt me?"
He eyed me over. "No."
I blinked, then stared fully at him. "Then why... why are you here?"
"I'm... protecting you," he replied, still watching me.
"You hesitated," I told him, brows drawing together.
"I know who wants to hurt you, Skye," he told me, eyes darkening. "I just... don't know where he is or why."
"How can you prove that it isn't you?" I demanded.
He gave me a look, but I remained strong and waiting.
He sighed then, chuckling. "You know... after that night you got attacked, he stopped, didn't he?"
I stilled.
"Yep, thought so." Sebastian smirked over at me. "I've been keeping a closer eye on you, that's why."
I narrowed my eyes. "How do I know it's not just you who's stopping?"
He chuckled. "Skye, I patched you up after he hurt you. Why would I just suddenly want to kill you after working so hard for you to heal?"
I blinked, then stared off, thinking.
I mean... he was right.
More right then I'd like to admit.
"Can you explain the... the neighbor thing?" I asked him.
His brows arched. "What neighbor thing?"
"The... gun thing," I told him.
He looked entirely confused.
Oh... right. So maybe that was just me then.
"Are you coming back tonight?" I asked him then, gazing up.
He smirked. "Do you want me to?"
"Ye—no!" I said quickly. "No... no.... maybe."
He looked as if he was trying not to laugh.
I just glared. "Forget it."
And I spun around to head back to my table, but my arm was caught from behind me.
I thought he might've pulled be back to him... but I was wrong.
I just felt lips press to my ear, and I stilled.
"Tonight," he promised quietly. "I'll be there. And every night after that."
I remained in place.
"I can rub your back again if you want," he suggested, and I stared off as Neveah smirked at us. "Would you like that?"
I was silent.
"Yeah, you would," he replied, chuckling. "Go back to your friend now, okay?"
"Wait..." I whispered, and his touch remained. "Is she... is she safe?"
He nodded into my hair. "Yes, she is. He only wants you."
I tipped my head back to look at him. "Why?"
He smiled, staring into my eyes. "Because he's a sick person, that's why. Now go back to your friend, okay?"
He let go of my arm and walked off, and I couldn't help but stare after him.
After, I just numbly walked to my table and sat in the booth, silently starting to eat my food.
Though I could feel Neveah smirking, so I just said, "Shut it."
She did, continuing to eat.168Please respect copyright.PENANAAGXwouAG7r
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