Skye128Please respect copyright.PENANAd0vX6eGwXk
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It was early the next morning, and I'd been awake for a while.
Sebastian was asleep under me, though I was still curled up in his chest.
It was nice to see him sleep, honestly... I felt like he never slept and it bothered the hell out of me.
Though what bothered me more... was the fact that person who looked like him... Who was he? Was he Sebastian? Or was he someone else?
Sebastian had no other siblings... this man could've been a shapeshifter or just... something.
But what bothered me was that he looked like Sebastian. How was I supposed to tell the difference between them when I wasn't sure which was which?
And why wouldn't Sebastian tell me who this man was? Why was it so hard for him to tell me?
Unless... maybe he was a part of it.
I closed my eyes tightly and sighed, catching his arms that were around me and lowering them to his sides.
I silently slipped out from his grip and crawled off the bed.
I was still in my nightshirt, but I didn't care.
I needed a space to think and risking him waking up if I changed wasn't worth it.
So I just caught my jacket and slid it on, wrapping it around myself and silently creeping out from the room.
Twenty minutes later, I was walking through the streets of Washington.
Yes, I lived in Washington, and so did Sebastian, but we lived in a very small town named Greenvillage; it was a little place right next to a mountain range on the east. Most people did not know it existed, but it did, and I enjoyed living here because it was so quiet.
But now I regretted it because there was someone out here trying to kill me, and I didn't know who was to trust, and who wasn't.
As I walked down the streets, I stared up, the cold stinging my eyes and my nose, but I chose to ignore it.
I just needed time to think.
Who was this man trying to kill me? Was it Sebastian? Was it Sebastian's equal? Was it another version of him?
I slapped my forehead.
Another version of him? I made it sound like Sebastian was some kind of android.
I gazed up, smiling slightly.
Well... he could've been with how emotionless he seemed.
After a moment of thinking, I sighed, knowing I was only angering myself, so I just gazed up, watching the clouds in the sky shift over each other.
It was nice here... but cold. Very cold.
This place was amazing in the summer because it got so warm, sometimes too hot, but it was always cloudy.
I liked how cloudy it was, though... It was nice. I hated how the sunshine burned my skin.
I had very sensitive skin; it was prone to sunburns.
Maybe it was because I lived here, I didn't know. I was never really exposed to it, and I liked it this way.
After a moment of walking, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I spun around in shock, gasping.
Sebastian only smiled, waving to me.
I stared for a moment, eyes burning with unshed tears. "You scared me!"
He chuckled. "Sorry."
I then stood fully, the cold hands still circling around my throat. "How did you find me?"
He smirked a little. "You're not that hard to find, Skye."
I arched my brows, but he only remained in place.
After a moment, he finally said, "Can I walk with you?"
I nodded then, turning back around and starting down the streets, feeling him follow behind me.
"Why are you still in your nightdress?" he asked me. "Were you in that much of a rush to get away from me?"
I nodded, feeling slightly uneasy for some reason.
He just followed next to me, hands in his pockets.
I glanced over at him then. "Why are you wearing a very showy shirt?"
He was, though... He was wearing a low-collar T-shirt that showed his upper chest, though the rest he wore were just jeans.
He smirked over at me. "Am I not allowed to?"
I shrugged, staring back forward.
He continued following me; like a fricking puppy dog.
How did he keep finding me? This was getting unsettling.
Though after glancing over at him, I stilled, stopping in my tracks.
He followed; brows arched as he turned to face me.
I just stared down at his chest, brows drawing together.
"What?" he said, tipping his head to the side.
"Can you take off your shirt?" I asked silently.
He smirked then.
I gave him a look. "Just do it."
"So, demanding," he said, laughing as he slipped his arms under the T-shirt and pulled it off himself. "I like."
The moment my eyes caught onto his skin, I stilled, backing away.
"What?" he said innocently.
"Your skin's bare," I said then, voice quiet.
Oh, no. What did I get myself into?
"Isn't that a good thing?" he stated, laughing softly.
"No," I said, gazing up at him as the cold hands closed around my throat tighter, "the real Sebastian has tattoos all over his shoulders and chest."
I breathed for a moment. "You aren't him."
He stared at me for a moment; as if he thought I wasn't serious.
"Really? You're accusing me of being an imposter?" he questioned.
I watched him carefully and nodded.
His eyes darkened.
And he smiled, making me stiffen.
He laughed, showing his bright, white teeth as everything inside me froze. "Whoa," pseudo-Sebastian said, laughing more, "someone's smart, aren't they?"
"Who are you?" I demanded, keeping my voice firm.
I would not show him that I was afraid. I would not.
His smile didn't waver. "I'm apart of Sebastian."
"Like a clone?" I said, backing away slightly.
He stepped forward at the same pace. "Yes, kind of a clone of his bad side."
I watched him carefully, backing away at the same pace as he stepped forward.
"Mmm..." pseudo-Sebastian said, making me gaze up nervously, "are you afraid of me?"
"No, I was never afraid of you," I snapped back.
He only laughed. "Suddenly so feisty! You're very good at hiding your fear, Skye."
I glared, eyes sharpening.
He just smiled back with darker menace. "You know... I could do worse things to you. That night only days ago I tried to kill you easily, but you keep slipping from my grip! It's irritating, honestly. It gets exhausting, Skye. I've been chasing you and chasing you, and you just keep slipping! Ugh!" His smile darkened. "I'm going to kill you slower now. Sebastian's at home, doing his laundry and thinking you're still in the house. He won't be able to save you."
I quickly shoved my hand into my pocket, searching for my—
"Your cellphone?" pseudo-Sebastian said. "You left it in your room, remember? Oh, so sad. You can't call for help, can you?"
My breathing stilled, but I tried to remain calm.
"I'm going to tear you apart limb from limb," he hissed, stepping closer. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it. I will break you in the worst way; in a way you've never been broken. Bone by bone, pulling strings of your skin off flesh by flesh, watching you scream in agony until you cannot breathe... and then I'll make you suffer, tie you down and cover you in bleach, making you scream as it entered all your wounds, tearing your muscles apart... and I won't even kill you then! I'll just shove you in front of a mirror, showing you how hideous you've become... and then you would decide to end it all yourself. You'll see."
I started gasping, the cold hands tightening and making me choke. "You're... insane."
"Oh, I'm worse than insane, honey," he promised with a smile. "I'm so much worse."
I stared at him for a moment.
His eyes only glowed red, making my entire body freeze. "Tick—tock, goes the clock," he sang, "let's see if you'll live or not."
And he lunged for me.
I screamed, spinning around and darting down the streets, and he just laughed, pounding footsteps following me.
"Skyeeeeeeeee," he sang as I gasped, the cold hands clawing at my throat while I continued to run. "Skyyyeeeeee! Don't ruuuuuuun! I'm only a boooooooooy!"
I only continued shooting down the sidewalk, tears burning my eyes as I struggled to control my breathing.
I was panicking.
I wanted to scream.
I needed Sebastian, but he couldn't hear me at this distance.
Why did I leave the house? Why didn't I alert Sebastian of my whereabouts? Why didn't I KNOW this wasn't him?
I caught my hair, the panic inside me deepening.
I'm an IDIOT!
"Skyyyyyyyeee!" he called. "Where are you going? You know that isn't the direction to the house, right? Come heeeeeeere! I won't bite!"
I only continued running, tears slipping down my cheeks as I passed by many closed restaurants and cafés.
But a woman walking her dog only came around the corner, and I sobbed in relief, darting over to her as she glanced up at me nervously.
"Ma'am!" I cried. "Please, help me! Do you have a phone? I need a phone! He's chasing me, please!"
But right as her eyes darted behind me, something flew past my face.
It all happened so fast, I nearly felt like my world was spinning...
A large, long object flew by, and the moment I looked back forward, it plunged into the woman's right eye.
I went cold.
She fell forward, collapsing on the ground as blood pooled under her face.
My entire body stilled.
I spun around to look behind me, finding pseudo-Sebastian smirking as he held another knife, flipping it in his hand.
"Who ARE you?" I cried, everything around me tinting red as if I was dying.
He only tipped his head to the side, flipping the knife again. "My name is North. But this will be the last time you hear it."
The dog she was walking looked up and started barking angrily at the man behind me, and I shoved my shock deep down, sobbing as I fell forward and caught the dog in my hands.
It was a puppy... a puppy German shepherd.
And I caught the knife that killed the women, swinging forward as the German shepherd puppy started squirming in my hands, but I held him to me.
I couldn't let him get hurt.
I just continued running, gasping as tears slipped down my cheeks, but I just swung around a corner of a store, trying to control my breathing as I held the knife in my hand, holding the puppy to me and hoping that he wouldn't start barking again.
I held my breath, the cold hands scratching my throat as I heard his off-key whistling...
He was getting closer... and closer.
But I caught the knife tighter, steadying my breathing as I listened to his footsteps.
Two feet away.
One foot away.
Six inches away...
Four inches...
And he rounded the corner, raising the knife that he held when he saw me.
I yelled out and swung forward, making him suck in a breath as I dove the knife deep into his stomach.
North yelled out, arms falling, and I pried away from him, holding the puppy to me.
And I continued darting forward, gasping as the cold inside me deepened.
But he just screamed, "GET BACK HERE!"
And I heard a whoosh of some sort...
But it only took a second when I saw a knife come at me from behind.
I flinched, ducking forward as it flew past my face, slicing my cheek open... and I parted my lashes, barely feeling the pain as I kept running.
Away... I needed away.
I needed away.
That was all my body was running on.
I could barely feel my sides screaming from the exercise, I could barely feel my lungs seizing...
I couldn't feel anything.
Because I was working on pure adrenaline, and it's job was to get me to escape.
I heard North's raspy breathing as he attempted to get up and follow me, but then I heard a grunt of pain and him collapsing back down on the ground.
But I kept going, every part of me freezing cold.
I could've died.
I could've... died.128Please respect copyright.PENANAgeUjc5TPHA
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Would you classify this as a cliffhanger?
Also what do you think of North?