Ami grabbed me by the ankle as I turned to walk inside, “Please don’t do it.”
“Do what?” I looked down at them, catching sight of the tears in their eyes.
“Preston said that the way you were treating Rae means your suicidal, and I’m so sick of people dying…”
“Woah, woah, woah… We are totally on different pages. What the hell did I say to Rae?”
“She said you told her that you hate us, and never want to see us again, especially Preston.”
“I would never say something like that!” I shook my head,
“I knew it sounded out of character! I think… I think she’s up to something. She’s always gone with no explanation, she never seems bugged when someone dies, she’s always trying to sneak into the background, and she lead Preston the total opposite way from you.” Ami and I looked at each other for a second, our brains running around at a million miles per hour, “What did she tell you? Because you didn’t want to talk to me, and if hating us isn’t the answer, then what is?”
“She told me you guys don’t want me around, so I left, because I don’t want to bother you guys.”
“But why?”
“Because she’s pissed with me. We… Oh god.” I chuckled to stop myself from breaking down in tears, “We had sex, even though I told her to get off me several times… I-I tried to push her off of me, but I couldn’t and… Now she’s pissed because I’m with Preston… That could be totally wrong, but it makes the most sense.”
“Wait… No. Noooo….”
“You and Cameron ran away because someone wanted to kill you, correct?”
“And just somehow Rae found you guys, and tagged along-”
“Shiiiiiit.” I put a hand over my mouth as I understood where he was getting at, “How could I possibly be so damn stupid?!” I pounded my fist into the brick of the shop, causing it to bleed,
“Maybe because you’re a fool,” Dylan peeked out from the corner, a smirk playing on his face,
“Why are you part of this?” I asked him, making him chuckle,
“Because I can’t stand Cameron! The bastard took everything from me!” Tears streamed from his cheeks,
“Then why haven’t you killed him yet?”
“Because you, and him have a huge play in this… And if I play my cards right, one day, I’ll make her proud… And then I’ll rip her heart right out of her body like she did to me… Except this time, it won’t be in a metaphorical sense.” Dylan played with is knife,
“I don’t think I should ruin that surprise for you… Now do me a favor, and keep your mouth shut about this entire ordeal. You do not tell Cameron about her, you do not tell Preston about her. You got that?”
“And if I do?”
“If you do.” Dylan began to cackle, enjoying whatever sick thought he was going to share with me, “Then I’ll tie you and Preston up, and put him through the most painful shit I’ve ever known, while you sit there, left to watch, and rot away in your sorrows. You’ve got that?” He pulled me by the hair, and traced his knife on the back of my neck,
“Y-Yeah, I got it.”
“Good,” He pushed me backwards, Ami managing to catch me before I hit the ground.
“We have to do something,” Ami said as soon as they knew Dylan was out of sight,
“I don’t think we can.”
“As long as it stays between the two of us, we’ll be fine.”
“Y-You’re right.” I took a breath, “...Should I come back to talk to Preston. I’m not going to stay, but..”
“Why don’t you wanna stay?”
“I don’t wanna be near her.”
“That’s understandable. Alright, let’s head off.” Ami lead me back to camp, their arm wrapped around mine, “Fuck, Tyler, she’s leading him somewhere… We’ve gotta follow them,”
“Alright, let’s do this.”
Ami and I watched, cautiously, as Cameron rang the doorbell to Tarea’s mom home.
“You’ve got this babe,” Rae kissed him on the cheek, sliding him a dagger. It didn’t take long after Tarea’s mom opened the door, before Cameron slammed the dagger into her skull, several times, sending blood flying in every possible direction,
“What the…”
“...fuuuuck?!” I finished for them, my eyes wide,