"Apologies don't actually fix your mistake, your actions do."
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to get those words out of my head. How was I supposed to fix this? I've never been a good person, so how do you start being one?
I didn't have much time to dwell on it, as the bell rang, and I had to quickly get to Social Studies. Somehow, I managed to be late, despite the fact I ran. To my luck, Ms. Chase pretended like it hadn't happened. Instead, she just told me to get with my group, and returned talking to the man who stood next to her desk.
"What's up with her?" I asked, joining Rae and Tyler.
"She got engaged." Tyler looked up for a brief second, before going back to writing on the poster.
"Is that her fiance?"
"Yeah, he's supposed to be helping us, but I think he got a little distracted."
"That's great." I groaned, "Do you guys know what you're doing?"
"Of course we do, do you really think we're stupid?"
"Welllll...." I bit my lip, and Tyler scoffed in annoyance, throwing a sharpie at me,
"C'mon, just fricken' trace what I wrote in sharpie."
"How can I fix past mistakes? Like... What can I do?" I leaned against the closet door, feeling extremely low at the moment.
"Well, you can't change the past, but you can form the future..."
"That helps." I rolled my eyes, though the person couldn't even see it.
"By that, I mean you can help people from future suffering."
"And how do I do that?"
"I heard that the Gym teacher is quite.... rude. If we were to... somehow get rid of him, well, you'd be helping someone out."
"It sounds like you're going to murder him."
"Do you take me as insane?" Their voice stayed monotone, although they were asking a question,
"I don't exactly take you as anything, I know nothing about you." I answered,
"Fair. No, I do not wish to murder him. I just think he isn't very worthy of a job. If we get him fired, he's out of the equation."
"And how would we get him fired exactly?"
"Oh, just take a couple lewd photos of students with this, and return it to me. I'll take care of the rest." They slid a phone from under the crack of the door,
"I don't have gym."
"You might want to get your things from your locker, since I doubt you'd want to go back to football practice."
"How do you know I...?"
"Cameron Jaylon Sanders, you're voice is very... unique. Anyone could recognize it."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Depends on your interpretation on it. Is sounding like you're still going through puberty a good or bad thing?" They said, making my jaw drop,
"I'm just stating the facts, now scurry along Cameron, I need those photos."