Honestly, no one should entrust me with making a life or death decision, because I just don’t care about living anymore, and that’s why I’m in this situation. I decided that going to school would be perfectly fine, but now, there’s some crazy person chasing Cameron, and I with a knife,
“Tyler! You’re a fucking idiot!”
“No shit!” I shook my head.
“Where the fuck are we supposed to go?!”
“I don’t know, now shush so we can actually get the hell out of here.” I looked back, finding the person to be quite far away. I ducked into the library, and went out another door, which lead to the complete opposite side of the school. Cameron followed, huffing and puffing. I pulled him into Ms. Chase’s classroom, which was surprisingly unlocked, and closed the door behind us, locking it, and blocking it off with a table.
“We are so dead,”
“Shut u-”
“Cameron, Tyler~ You know you can’t escape from me, right? I will search every section of this damned place until I find you!” The voice cackled through the intercom system.
Cameron bit his lip, and furrowed his brow, clearly worried about what could possibly happen to us. Quickly, he picked up a chair, and tossed it at the window, causing it to shatter,
“What are you doing?”
“If we stay here, we’re screwed!” He jumped out the window, and bolted. Without a thought, I began to follow him,
“Tyler! Wait!” A high pitched voice called out, making me turn around.
“Rae, hurry up!” I slowed down a bit, until she caught up with me,
“Where are you guys going?”
“Anywhere that is not here!”
“Well take me with you!”
“Okay, okay.” I picked her up, and lifted her onto my shoulders, groaning in pain because of her weight.
“Oh god, we’re screwed. There is no way I can jump this fence!”
“I’ll toss you up,”
“No way!” He protested, before I pushed him up the fence, “TYLER! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry.” I pulled Rae and I up the fence, quickly jumping down.
“Woah, woah, okay. We're good. Let's take a rest.” I said, grabbing Cameron’s shoulders, and pulling him into the alleyway, when he looked about ready to pass out.
“There's no but about it. We should be far enough away.” I informed him, “You guys go to bed, and I'll watch out.”
“You're going to need rest too.”
“I have insomnia, and no pills for it at the moment, so it won't matter.”
“If it bugs you that much, then I'll wake you up, and you can watch for a bit. Does that work better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” He nodded, leaning up against the wall. He was clearly exhausted, as he almost instantly passed out, despite the awkward position he was in.
Rae fiddled around with a string she had inside of her pocket, and I scanned her, trying to read off some sort of emotion from her, frowning when I failed.
“What do you think we can do?” I asked her, with a sigh.
“Not much,” She frowned, and shrugged, “Just wait until we’re legal adults, and it’s safe to go.”
“Why did you come with us? You could’ve kept a perfectly normal life. You could’ve got away from Cameron’s harassment, and my annoying ass.”
“Yeah, I could care less about that loser, but I can’t do it without you, Tyler. You mean the world to me.” She cupped my cheeks in her hands, “I love you too much to let you go.” Rae placed a kiss on my lips, and although I let it happen, I couldn’t find myself enjoying it. She pulled back, before trying to come back in again, but I pushed her back gently,
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t.” I muttered,
“Why not?” She asked, tilting her head slightly, seeming to be disappointed,
“I just… don’t like you in that way.”
“You don’t have to like me in that way yet, but I’m sure if you tried it out, that you would enjoy it~.” She leaned in again, whispering in my ear,
“I’ll pass.” I said, trying not to tremble, or let any sign of cowardice show through to her. Instead of accepting my answer, she pushed my onto a crate, and sat on top of my lap, grinding her hips against mine,
“Your little friend seems to like it though~.”
“Yeah, because that's how fucking biolo-” She placed a finger over my mouth,
“Just let me work my magic, okay Tyler~?” She whispered, lifting my shirt,