The sound of the gunshot instantly sent me back to the bloody classroom of Sacred Hearts Academy. It still felt as if Preston was clinging to me, as if his life depended on it, and I was still able to hear the screams of the students. And I was still able to hear the words they had said. The words he had said.
“Tyler,” Michael cried from the other side of the table, “It's Jonas.” I felt my heart wrenching, but I kept quiet, knowing that if I chose to speak, he'd lift the curtain, and discover our hiding spot, but it was too late for that, as Michael’s voice had already lured him to us.
“Tyler, my man.” Jonas laughed, as he sent a bullet into Michael’s head, causing me to scream. Preston tried to move backwards, but smashed his head into a wall instead, “You want to know something outstanding?”
“N-No, leave me alone.” I squeaked, sliding out to run, Preston following close behind. We managed to make it into an, unlocked classroom, which was littered in corpses, and I barricaded the door with a table.
“Tyler, I'm scared.” Preston cried,
“It'll be okay.” I wiped my own tears away, not wanting to seem like I was weak.
“How do you know?”
“I don't know, but I have faith that-” I stopped myself when someone began pushing on the door, gradually moving the table. Without thinking, I shoved Preston in the cabinet,
“Hey! Let me out!”
“I'm trying to save you, be quiet!” I held him in until he quit fighting back, allowing me to move, but Jonas was faster, as I had only made it a couple steps further,
“I guess I'll just have to tell you anyways.” Jonas shrugged, “Do you know what you did to me, Tyler?” He stepped closer to me, and I backed away, “Do you?!”
“N-No.” I felt my heart race as I heard his heavy breathing,
“You really are a monster, aren't you?” He scowled, “You sent me here! You caused all of this!”
“N-No I didn't!” I sobbed,
“Really? Don't you remember all the things you've done? How many times you've left me in the dirt? How many times you've talked shit about me behind my back? How many times you've lied to me?” Jonas inquired, “Because I do. It drove me to insanity, Tyler. Because I loved y-” Jonas stepped back, and opened the closet, and fired his gun, without bothering to look. I pretended to be horrified, while Preston quietly began to sneak around Jonas. He didn't get far, before Jonas grabbed Preston.
When he turned around to look, I began to bolt for the outside door, but as soon as the door opened, a bullet pierced through my leg, making me crumple to the floor. Preston tried to wriggle free, but Jonas pulled tighter on the collar of his shirt, making him obey, “You thought I was that stupid? Ha.”
“Jonas, I'm sorry.” I pleaded, making him laugh in a psychotic manner.
“You're only saying that because you're terrified of me. It's hilarious to see how many people have apologized to me today for every little thing they've ever known. They still don't know it was never them, but hey, the rest of the world will here in a second.”
He kept his grip on Preston, while grabbing a chair, and kicking it into the hallway. Jonas put his gun in his pocket, and grabbed a roll of duct tape, kicking the chair farther into the hall, and out of my sight.
My brain kept telling me to get as far away as I could, but my body paid no attention to what my brain had to say. It hurt too much to move, and deep, deep down, I knew it was hopeless.
Jonas pulled my body into the hall, and helped me up, handing me the gun, “Shoot him.” He held my arm towards Preston, who was now tied up to a chair,
“Please, Tyler. Don't kill me.” Preston cried, “I don't want to die.”
“I don't recall it being a decision.” Jonas clicked his tongue, “I'd just get it done and over with, Tyler.”
I went to turn the gun on him, but last second, when I pulled the trigger, the gun pointed back in Preston's direction, sending a bullet into the far left side of his collarbone, making me scream in horror,
“Tsk, tsk, I told you.” Jonas rolled his eyes, and grabbed the gun from me, before releasing me from his grasp, allowing me to collapse on the floor. “It's pathetic that you thought you could survive.” He walked around me, so he was close to my head, and flipped me over, so I was facing him.
“Now it's time for you to go see that God who will never give a damn about you.” He aimed the pistol for my head, but missed by an inch, thanks to Preston, who had knocked the gun lightly, just so it would miss me.
“How the fuck are you still alive?” Jonas groaned, “This shit is fucking annoying.” Jonas tried to reach for his gun, which now had laid on the floor, but I rolled over, and grabbed it. I aimed upward for his chest, and pulled the trigger, sending Jonas crashing into the floor,
Preston stood there crying for what felt like ages, before helping me up, “Let's get out of here.”
“Y-Yeah,” I sobbed.