I scanned the camp for Cameron, adrenaline rushing in when I began to panic. I tried to take a deep breath or two in order to calm me down, but my body continued to shake to the extent that I doubled over, and vomited.
That was when I noticed a boy watching, while holding a puppy. A dead puppy, if we're being exact.
“Are you friends with that evil man?”
“What evil man?” I asked, before taking a deep breath.
“The blonde one that killed Pringles.” The boy began to tear up,
“Cameron? No, no, we aren't friends.” I shook my head.
“He killed your dog?” Rae asked, making me turn my attention her way,
“Y-Yeah… And then he ran away.”
“Which direction did he go in?”
“Well, where's north?”
“Tyler, it says it right there.” Rae pointed to a sign, and giggled, making me tug on my hood,
“R-Right, I knew that.”
“Sure you did.”
“I'm going to go after him. You guys can stay here or whatever. I don't give a damn.”
“Language! You're in front of a child!” Rae scolded, picking up the boy, which didn't seem to please him,
“Quite frankly, I don't give a shit. He clearly lives out here, he’s had to hear some fucked up shit by now.”
“That doesn't matter!”
“Whatever. I'm going, see you later.”
“Nu-uh. We're coming with you.”
“I don't know if he should come.”
“Why not?” The boy pouted,
“Just… ugh. Rae, stay here with him.”
“Well, I’m coming, and since he's our child, so he’s coming with us!” Rae protested,
“Woah, woah, woah, there is no way in damn hell I am adopting him or whatever. And he can't be your child either, since you don't know anything about him.”
“Psst, what's your name and age?” Rae asked, trying to whisper, but obviously failing, “His name is Fraco, and he is seven!”
“Wow, amazing.” I rolled my eyes, and began walking away. Rae picked up Fraco, and chased after me,
“You're being kind of a jerk today.” She complained,
“Ha, that sucks.”
“Tyler… Is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfectly fine.” I felt my jaw clench up, and she frowned,
“That's not tru-”
“Please Rae, be quiet. I don't feel like talking.” I sighed, scanning the area for any sight of Cameron,
“It's not going to feel any better if you keep it in your head.”
“I'm aware of that. I'll talk to you when I'm ready.” I lied, sending her a reassuring smile,
“Thanks.” She smiled back, seeming to buy into it.
I’m not sure how long we've been walking, but when Rae and Fraco ask to stop, I take a seat on the sidewalk to catch a breath, which I admittedly needed.
“God, how do you walk so fast?” Rae groaned. I opened my mouth to answer, but quickly closed it when I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to answer.
“Where the hell could he possibly be?” I asked,
“Maybe we went too far.”
“Tyler, there you are!” A familiar voice called out, and before I could tell that it was him, Preston wrapped his arms around me, which I tried to wiggle out of, “Why are you all the way out here?”
“It's a long story.”
“Well, we've got time.” Preston urged,
“Someone wants to murder me, and Cameron, and they ended up chasing us out of the school. Then Cameron, for whatever reason, killed Fraco's dog, and now we're trying to figure out where the hell he's at.”
“Well… okay… Why didn't you just file a police report?” Preston asked, making me shrug in response,
“I don't fucking know man, but it's too late now.” I put my head in my hands,
“Well, I guess we're in this together.” He typed something up on his phone, threw it in his car, and locked it.
“I'm going through this with you.”
“No way. Get out of here.”
“Too late, I already sent a text to my dad with our location. We need to get moving.” Preston shrugged,
“Dude, what if, for whatever reason, some has a gun or some shit?”
“I'm over that.”