Rae reached for my hand, which I quickly ripped away from her, making her frown, “What's your deal?”
“My deal?” I slightly glared at her, “I don't want to fucking touch you,”
“You enjoyed the sex, what's the problem now?”
“I don't remember enjoying anything, Rae, now drop it.”
“This is why everyone hates you, and the only people you have around lie to you because they feel bad.” She scoffed, flipping a switch in my brain,
“Great. Well, now you can go back, and tell everyone I'm leaving so I don't bother them anymore.” I shrugged, and she smirked,
“Will do.” I watched her walk away, shaking as soon as she was out of my sight,
Did he really hate me? Why does he hate me? Why am I not good enough for him? Does he actually think I caused the whole… thing? Is it- No, I don't need him. I don't need him… I don't need hi-
“Hello? Kid? Are you okay?” A guy with green hair sat himself next to me.
“I'm okay.” I lied,
“Seeing as your sobbing, I think that's dishonest.”
“Yeah, okay… I actually feel like shit.”
“Here, come in for coffee with me.” He pointed to the shop we were standing in front of, Welcome To The Punk Side!.
“I'll pass.”
“Why's that?”
“I-I don't want to bother you.”
“Nonsense! You won't bother me!”
“A-Are you sure?”
“Yep, come on!” He lifted me up, and took me inside, motioning for me to join him on the couch, which I took him up on,
“Elden? Oh… Who is this?”
“Tennille, this is…”
“Tyler.” I looked up at her quickly, before staring at my hands, which I fidgeted around with,
“Well, nice to meet you Tyler.” She held out her hand to shake it, and I did so, still avoiding her eyes.
“Hey, Tennille, would you mind making us some coffee?”
“Yeah, sure.” Tennille bounced her way out of the room, before Elden turned his attention back to me.
“So, let's talk. What's going on?”
“I… um…”
“Are you nervous? Because you don't need to be nervous. I totally get it, I studied psychology in college for a while.”
No, it's not that…”
“Then what is it?”
“It's just… well… It sounds really stupid.”
“I doubt it's stupid if it makes you cry.”
“It is. Everything makes me want to cry.”
“So? That doesn't make things less important. C'mon, Tyler, just let it all out.”
“I… Okay… M-My friend… She wants to be intimately involved with me, even though I've told her no on several occasions, she won't listen to me, and does what she wants, since I… I can't over power her, which sounds pathetic because of my bigger build, and her petite build….” I took a deep breath, “And now she's pissed, and feeding me shit about how no one cares, and even though I know subconsciously that at least one person does, I still can't help thinking that maybe they don't, because of the way my brain is wired.”
“Well, even if they don't, who cares? You don't need them.”
“But that's not completely true, as much as I want to try, and convince myself that. Sure, I can say that about Ami, or Cameron, but Preston? I just… I can't function without him anymore.”
“If you don't mind me asking, you and Preston, are you guys dating?”
“No, but we are together.”
“He's my queerplatonic partner. It's a different relationship dynamic, but basically we're more than friends, but we aren't dating, because the both of us are aromantic, and don't feel for each other in a romantic way.”
“Oh, alright. That makes… some sense.” Elden nodded, “I think if you just sat down, and talked to Preston, things would turn out okay.”
“I don’t know if I really want to go back…”
“Oh, well then stay with us.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course. If it makes you feel better, I have things I need done around here, so you can help with that.”
“Okay,” I took a deep breath, “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it kiddo.”