I stepped back as I noticed my father’s body, drenched in blood, draped over the couch. My eyes wandered to the person in the kitchen, who was holding onto a bloody knife, and a beer bottle. The only thing I was able to see about them was their pale skin, and the fact that they were about my height, as they were wearing a mask over their face.
“What did you do?” I sputtered out,
“What does it look like, dimwit? I killed the bastard!” They yelled, twitching out of anger,
“What did he do to you?”
“He created you.” The person came towards me, and held the knife to my throat, “And you fucked up my life.”
“How?” I felt a tear slip down my cheek, “What did I do? I’ll try and fix it…”
“You can’t fix it! She’s already gone!”
“Who’s gone?”
“My mother! Your mother!”
“Wait, wait, wait. You’re my sibling?”
“Yeah. I am. She hated me so much, she wouldn’t even say my name, the countless times I’ve came here. And that’s your fault! You did this to me!”
“Who are you?”
“Think about it Cameron. And think about killing Tyler, too. Otherwise I’ll have to kill the both of you myself, and I have other shit to deal with, that’s way more important than you ever will be.” The person released the knife, and ran out of the house.
I stood there, paralyzed in place. I felt my knees weaken, and tears fall down my face. My hands made their way to my pocket, pulling out my phone. Without a thought, I called Tyler.
This time when I needed him, he wasn't able to be there for me, and that only made it hurt worse, because over the last two weeks, I began to depend on him.
I rang him up a couple more times, hoping that maybe he would hear it, and stop what he was doing and answer the phone. But of course, I wasn't that lucky. I never was.
After thirty minutes of sobbing, Tyler finally returned my call, “Ugh, sorry I wasn't able to ans- Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“My dad's dead!” I croaked,
“Ah shit man, I'm so sorry.”
“And I hate that I'm crying about it! He hurt me so damn much, for so damn long. Why should I care if he's dead or not?”
“I want to say I understand, but I don't. I do know that you aren't the only person who has felt this way before though. It's going to be okay.”
“No, it's not going to be okay, Tyler! My mom's dead, my dad's dead, my sibling wants me dead! I'm all alone…”
“But you aren't all alone though. I am here for you-”
“You're going to die next though!”
“What?” He asked, clearly confused,
“I… I’ve been talking with this person, who is in the library closet, a-and they want me to kill you, otherwise they're going to do it themselves.”
“When did this happen?”
“A week and a half ago.”
“Are you serious? And you're just now telling me?” Tyler seemed to be irritated, but clearly wasn't mad at me, “If I was one of those people who valued my life, and I just found this out, dude, I would be so pissed.”
“I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do!”
“It's fine, I don't care. Let them kill me.”
“No! I need you, Tyler!”
“Okay…” He sighed, “Then what are we supposed to do?”
“I don't know!” I cried, beginning to hyperventilate,
“Hey, take a deep breath. We'll figure this out.”
“I know, but I'm so scared.”
“Uh… Can you come over?” He asked,
“Y-Yeah, I can. Thanks. Please don't hang up until I get inside. I know that sounds ridiculous.”
“It doesn't sound ridiculous, Cameron.” He reassured me,
“That’s a lie.”
“No it’s not, I promise. My little brother, Xavier, makes me do it every day when he’s walking to school, and when he comes back.” He told me, making me smile,
“That’s cute… I’m at the door, come answer it.”
“Alright, I’m coming, I’m coming.” Within seconds, the door swung open. I hung up the call, and followed Tyler up to his room. He closed the door quietly, “So… What the hell do we do?”
“I don’t know!” I put my head in my hands, “Please, Tyler, just kill me.”
“No. And if you want to die, why are you worried about someone trying to murder you?
“Because that sounds painful.”
“Trust me, all types of death will be painful. Excluding carbon monoxide poisoning, and you aren’t allowed to do that.”
“Why not?” I stuck out my bottom lip, pretending to pout,
“Because I fucking said so, dipshit.” He rolled his eyes,
“Gee, okay.” I sighed, “I won't.”
“Good. Trust me, it's not fun.”
“You know… That makes me worry.”
“It shouldn't. If I'm still alive, there's got to be some sort of reason.” I looked into his eyes, doing as he had taught me, and searched for his emotions,
“It doesn't matter if you're still alive now. The fact that you tried in the first place is terrifying… Preston told me he couldn't remember a time where you weren't so depressed and suicidal… I care about you, a lot, and it hurts to know that you aren't able to love yourself the way that I do.”
“Well, I could, you just have to stop loving me, and hate me.”
“You know love doesn't work that way, right?”
“I have no idea how love works, if I'm being honest.”
“You don't?”
“No, I've never been in love before.” He shook his head,