“Guys…” Rae’s high pitched voice interrupted the silence in the camp, “Tyler’s gone.”
“What do you mean?” Preston looked at her with concern,
“We were just walking, and then he blew up on me, saying how much he hates all of us, especially you Preston, and he ran off saying he never wants to see any of you guys.”
“What?” My eyes widened
“That doesn’t sound like Tyler at all…” Ami gave her a questioning look,
“FUCK! That means he’s suicidal. What way did you guys go?” Preston pulled at his hair, while Rae pointed to the left.
“I’m gonna go the opposite way just in case.” Ami sighed, the two of them booked it out of camp, and Rae slumped onto the bed with me, sobbing,
“Hey… It’s going to be okay… I’m sure Tyler didn’t mean it.”
“But you don’t know him!”
“I’m sure I don’t know him as well as you, and Preston do, but I do know him. I know Tyler is not a jackass.”
“That’s hard for me to believe… He’s fucked me over so many times… Just like everyone else who’s claimed to love me...”
“Wait, claimed to love you? You and him…? What?”
“We had a thing going on, and then as soon as Preston came along, he tossed me aside like I was nothing! I’m convinced that no one will ever love me at this point…”
“That’s not true, someone will come around eventually.”
“How can you be sure?” She stared into my eyes,
“Because I don’t see why they couldn’t…” I stated, without a thought. In an instant, her lips flew to mine, turning my cheeks red, “Why did you… kiss me?” I asked when we parted,
“Because… I love you Cameron… I always have, I just never said anything because… of all the things you’ve done to me… But maybe… Just maybe… We can be together from now on.”
“Don’t listen to her,” It whispered, but I ignored it, and pulled her into another kiss, “This time I’m not jerking you around for entertainment, she’s going to use you, and totally fuck your life up.”
“I don’t know,” I turned away, but she turned me back with her hand,
“Please… Cameron… Stay with me, and we’ll never be alone again… I promise… Everything you’ve ever wanted… I can give to you.”
“DON’T LISTEN TO HER!” It screamed, sending a sharp, radiation of pain to my head,
“Let’s do this… together.” I locked my hand into hers,