Preston's dad broke the silence between us, looking up from the engine, “Preston needs you, you know that Tyler.”
“He does?”
“He's been withdrawing from everything he once loved, and it's concerning to me. He won't talk to me about anything anymore, and I… I think he needs someone there for him. I don't know anyone that makes him happier than you do. Can you please promise to check in on him for me?”
“I promise that I’ll check in on him.” I nodded,
“Thank you.” He was silent for a second, before speaking again, “How do you think I can support him?”
“Just… be there to hear him out. Be there if you think he’s going to do something stupid. Just be there in general. That’s all he needs. He needs to know that you’re here, that you’ll listen to him, that you’ll take him seriously.”
“But how do I show that to him?”
“Check in on him, tell him that you love him, and that you care about him.”
“Okay, I will, thank you.”
“Has anything pretty life changing occurred recently?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like a divorce, a death of a friend or family member?”
“Yeah, me and his mother recently got a divorce. He goes to see her every weekend. Usually on Monday, he comes back exhausted,”
“...Why did you guys get a divorce? If you don’t mind me asking, otherwise just don’t answer.”
“She was always out partying, and sleeping with other men.” He sighed, a frown taking place on his face, “That really hurt me, and I think it took a toll on Preston too, since before that, he never saw us fight, because well, we never fought before that. Neither of us expected to walk in on that.”
I felt bad for almost laughing when he informed me of Preston walking in on his mother having sex with another man, especially since I knew it had took a toll on him, as he didn’t make nearly as many sex jokes as he had previously, and he told me that his girlfriend had broken up with him, since she was upset about the lack of sex in their relationship within the last month. I assumed this was because it linked him back to the time when things began to fall apart.
“How long ago was this?”
“Two… No, no. Three months now.” He squinted, as if thinking about it, before nodded in confirmation.
“Alright.” I took a deep breath, and watched him tinker around with the engine, “I’ll make sure I talk to him as soon as I get home.”
I dialed Preston, and almost immediately he had picked up. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“I talked to your dad while he worked on my car, which, thanks again for that, but he told me something… Why didn’t you tell me your parents got a divorce?” I asked, “If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine, there’s no pressure of course.”
“It just never really came up, and I didn’t want to bring it up,” He sniffled, “Because it hurts so damn bad, and I don’t want to face that. I’ve always been so… content with life, and now I’m not. I hate that so fucking much man. I want to go back to those times.”
“I’m really sorry Preston.”
“I don’t know why you’re apologizing, it’s not your fault my mom’s a fucking whore, and I don’t you’re fucking her, since that’s pedophilic, and just gross as shit in general.”
“I know that, but I just… wish you didn’t have to deal with this. You deserve so much better, man.”
“Well, clearly the world doesn’t give you what you deserve. I’d think you of all people would know that, seeing your circumstances.” He sighed, “But that’s okay, I can make do.”
“I hope you know that I’m here for you, if you feel beaten down and broken, and like you can’t move on, because I am here. I will always be here, no matter what.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate it, man.”
“Don’t thank me for it. You’ve been here for me countless times, I should do the same for you. Shouldn’t I?”
“Well, you should, but you don’t have to. My girlfriend didn’t.”
“Yeah, but let’s be honest, she just wasn’t for you. She totally dragged you down.”
“No she didn’t.”
“Dude, all she did was insult you, you cannot tell me that’s a healthy relationship.”
“You can’t talk about relationships, you’ve never been in a single one since I’ve met you.”
“That’s because I haven’t fell for anyone yet.”
“And that’s because you’re picky.” Preston teased,
“I am not picky.” I scoffed,
“Surrre you aren’t.”