Ami laid next to me, shuddering in horror, “You can’t leave me after what I… what we just saw.”
“I’m sorry, Ami, but as soon as I speak to Preston, I’m outta here.”
“Yeah, you will be.” Preston glared, “Come here.”
“Did I... do something?” I asked when I was pulled aside,
“No.” Preston sighed, even though I could tell by his expression that he was upset,
“C’mon, tell me.”
“It’s stupid.” He shook his head, avoiding my gaze,
“You don’t get upset often, what is it?” I frowned,
“I’m just… Ugh.” Preston looked around, biting his nails, “You were just cuddling with Ami, and… I-I dunno… It’s dumb.”
“Aww, are you jealous?” I teased, making him laugh lightly,
“A little.” Preston muttered, rubbing the back of his neck,
“Well, then I won’t do it again. Thanks for letting me know that,”
“You promise?”
“Yes, I promise.” I smiled at him,
“What happened between the two of you that caused you to… cuddle with them?”
“D-Don’t worry about it.”
“Tyler? Why?”
“Just trust me, it’s nothing you need to know about.”
“Why? Because you’re doing shit behind my back?”
“What?! No! Of course I’m not! Why would I do that?!”
“Well, I don’t know, but I can’t trust you, especially when you won’t tell me why!” Preston shouted, making me frown,
“Why can’t you trust me?”
“You cut, and smoked for years, and told me you didn’t... For years, Tyler! What’s the difference now?”
“Because I’m not into them, that’s why!”
“Well I don’t know that!”
“Preston.. I’m sorry…” I muttered, looking down at the ground,
“No, you aren’t sorry… G-Get out of here-”
“Preston, please I-”
“No! And you know what?! Take your bag back, because I don’t want to see your damn face ever again!” He shoved the bag into my hands, before storming away, leaving me to sink to my knees, sobbing,
“Tyler…” Ami peaked out at me from the corner,
“Please leave me alone, Ami…” I shook my head,
“O-Okay, just please don’t do anything stupid…” They advised, which I decided to ignore, bolting for the closest place in solitude. When I found the right place, I lit up a cigarette, which felt unusually ineffective.
I took a deep breath, and dug for a razor, smiling in satisfaction when it met my hand, already cutting me slightly.
I searched my arm, calculating where the perfect spots would be, slowly dragging it across them. Typically I’d seethe a little, but this time? This time I was too numb to feel a damn thing, which only motivated me to cut deeper, and faster.
Eventually, I stopped, my breathing slowed, and shallow, while my head began to pound, which was the only thing that was currently hurting. I felt myself smile again, as I knew what was occuring to my body.
I weakly reached over to my bag, grabbing another cigarette, and lighting it, knowing that it would fasten the process to freedom… If I had known it’d be this easy, I would have done this years ago...
“Shit! Elden! I told you we should’ve stepped in earlier!” I heard someone yell, though my brain wasn’t able to process the information, as it was too busy trying to keep itself working,
“I thought he had more sense in him, but now’s not the time for this bullshit!” I felt my body be picked up, which sent pain radiating throughout my body, although I couldn’t react to it whatsoever, “Ugh, he’s so heavy!”
“Yeah, he is. You called the medics, right?”
“Of course I did! What kind of cop do you think I am?”
“A lousy one, if you didn’t want to stop him originally!”
“Whatever Tennille, let’s hurry up, and get this case closed, so we can work on cases that are actually important.”
“This case is impor-” They started, getting cut off, at least to me, as my ears, and eyes decided it was time to shut down completely.