“Uh… What?” I stared at Preston, who was bright red, as my heart raced, “I understand what you mean, but why?”
“I don’t have a specific reason, I just… Anytime you do anything, I can’t help but think, ‘Woah, he is perfect… I never want to be away from him.’ and you just… make me overwhelmingly happy.”
“I don’t… I don’t understand.” I sighed, “I’m a fuck up, and you’re… not. You can do so much better.”
“You’re not a fuck up, stop denying yourself. If you can call yourself a fuck up, then I have to be a fuck up if I fell in love with you.”
“That… I…” I fumbled around with my words, until Preston grabbed my hands, forcing me to look into his eyes,
“Look… Tyler, do you like me, or not? I understand if you don’t, but it feels like you’re trying to avoid it, or mess with me, and that… kinda hurts.”
“Sorry, I’m not trying to… But I… I don’t really know. What does attraction feel like?”
“Well, whenever I see you, I feel like I can do anything, and my heart starts racing... Even though I don’t want to really marry you, unless we’re doing it for marriage benefits... I want to be with you for the entirety of my life… I don’t want to kiss you, but I want to do things with you that normal friends wouldn’t do with each other…” I felt myself relating to a lot of the things he said, but I wasn’t willing to admit that just yet.
“Like what?”
“Cuddling, or holding hands.” He explained, making me want to hold his hand a little tighter,
“I… I don’t know, let’s just forget this ever happened.” He rushed to get away from me,
“Wait, Preston.” I called out,
“I… I… I think I like you too.” I tugged on my hood, making it obvious that I was nervous,
“You think?”
“I mean… Yeah… I’m… confused as hell romantically, and with all the other types of attraction Cameron told me about the other day… Especially because now things are starting to make sense… and I just… I’m not used to it, so I keep trying to deny it.”
“What about your sexual orientation?”
“Pretty sure I’m asexual… I’ve done it, and it was revolting.” Maybe that was because it was against my will, but either way, I don’t think it would be my thing.
“I’m not gonna lie, and say it didn’t feel good, but genitals look disgusting.” He laughed, “And denial is pretty common.”
“Yeah, I know it is.” I bit my lip, as he took a seat next to me again,
“I’m still not done with my denial stage. I keep forcing myself into romantic relationships, when all I want is a queerplatonic relationship.” He confessed, taking my hand once again, while leaning against me, “The thought of my previous relationships disgusts me, even though I don't mind the people themselves.”
“So… You think you like me?”
“I mean… Y-”
“Holy shit, get it done and over with already.” Cameron groaned, making me tug on my hood, “The both of you, probably, want to be in a queerplatonic relationship. So Preston, ask him, Tyler, hurry up and make a decision.”
“Dude, shut up, go away, let us have our moment!” Preston laughed,
“It’s your turn to leave this time, since you two made us leave because you just happened to be so horny.”
“He has a point,” I pulled him up, and dragged him out of the camp, until we reached a small pond. I slumped down against one of the few trees, and Preston followed suit.
“Would you want to… be in a Queerplatonic Relationship with me?” He asked after a while of silence,
“I think that would be nice.” I smiled shyly at him, and he blushed,
“I love you Tyler…”
“I love you too…” I pulled him into a hug, and he rested his head on my shoulder. For a while, it felt peaceful enough to close my eyes, until we were interrupted by someone screaming at us,
“Put up your hands faggots, and this won’t get have to get messy!” My eyes opened, and I shot my hands up, as Dylan pointed his gun at me. I quickly glanced at Preston, who was clearly pissed off with Dylan’s word choice, despite his compliance,
“What the hell do you want?” Preston glared at him,
“Hold on… Does someone here have a fear of guns?” Dylan smirked slyly, inching closer to me, causing my breaths to shallow out, and fasten. Preston yelled something at him, but my panic wasn’t allowing me to proccess anything, not even the bullet that had flew just above my head. Instead, I was trying not to send myself back to the horror of Sacred Hearts Academy.