Tyler lightly shook me awake, “Are you still wanting to take watch?”
“Yeah, please.” I shifted from my position, and he slumped against the wall. I yawned, and Tyler looked at me,
“You know that there’s no way I’m sleeping, right? If you’re still tired just go back to bed.”
“No, no. I want you to at least try and get some sleep.”
“It doesn’t matter how hard I try, or how exhausted I am, I won’t be able to sleep. My body takes way too long to make melatonin.” He sighed,
“What the heck is melatonin?”
“The hormone that makes you sleep.”
“Oh.” I nodded,
“God, I’m going to be so grumpy…” He complained, “We should’ve left last night so I could get at least some sleep.”
“Aren’t they over the counter pills?”
“Some of them are, but I need some stuff that’s stronger. My brain is so messed up.”
“Is it really that bad?” I asked,
“Yeah. It sucks like hell.”
“We can go back and get some, you know that, right?”
“We’re already far off, I won’t have the energy.” He shook his head, “Besides, after a week or so, I’ll be used to it… Just expect me to be… I guess… pretty grumpy, and rude, for a lack of better words, until I properly adjust.”
“Alright,” I frowned, as I searched his face,
“What?” He snapped, making me flinch,
“Yeah, right.” He dug his nails into his arm,
“Yes…?” He glared,
“Please stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” I told him, making him shove his hands in his pocket, “You worry me, Tyler.”
“I shouldn’t. You don’t know anything about me.”
“Well, maybe if you would be more willing to talk to me, when we aren’t in life or death situations, I would.”
“Here’s something so much better, for the both of us. Just stop talking to me in general. That way you won’t worry, and I won’t have to put up with your crap.”
“Fine.” I frowned, “I never liked you anyways.”
“Perfect, thanks.”