Cameron walked into camp, and immediately, I turned away so he couldn’t see me, “What?”
“What?” I muttered, not meeting his gaze,
“What is your problem?!”
“I don’t have a problem.”
“Really?! Then look me in the eyes.” He commanded, grabbing me roughly by the chin, forcing me to look at him, “I said look at me you stupid bitch!”
“Chill out, Cameron.” Preston spoke up, shaking his head in disapproval,
“He’s being weird!”“He? Did you just call me a he?” I fumed,
“Yeah, I did you fuckin’ freak.”
“You’re a dick!” I managed to release myself from his grasp, speed walking away from him,
“That was rude, Cameron.” Preston agreed, following me out., “Ami, I don’t think he meant it…”
“I don’t care whether he meant it or not, it hurts like a fucking bitch!” I sobbed,
Preston hugged me, “You know you aren’t a guy, otherwise you wouldn’t be so upset… Don’t let him get to you.”
“It’s not that easy. Nobody believes I’m real... “
“I think it’s real. Ty-Tyler,” His voice cracked, “believes you’re real.”
“What do you mean how?”
“How can the two of you believe me, if my parents didn’t?”
“Ami…” Preston sighed, “Your parents… They sound like.. Shitty people. You don’t need them in your life.”
“You don’t get it Preston… Before I came out… They loved me with all their heart… Or at least that’s what they told me…” I took in a shaky breath, “I… It hurts a lot to lose them Preston.. And then I lost Rebecca and Tarea too…”
“I get it, Ami. My mom… When we found out that my dad has… has… that my dad has cancer... She went and had an affair… with my uncle. That… really hurt my dad… and me… but… I’ve realized that… I can let her hurt me. You have to realize that too.”
“I’ve tried but… I want them in my life so bad…”
“I… I understand,” Preston frowned, “I’d give anything to have my mom back… but… it’s not going to happen. She doesn’t want me… she never did... The only way to get over this… is to move on.”
“You’re right.” I nodded, “Thank you Preston…”
“No problem…” Preston sighed, “but can I ask you something?”
“Yeah,” I nodded,
“Were you into Tyler? Or was he into you? Please be truthful.”
“No, I’m in… in too much pain to fall in love with anyone else, at least in the moment… Tyler? I doubt it… He loves you with everything he has. You are- You were the only thing he had… Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if in five years, he proposed to you, or something. Seriously.”
“Was I… Was I being stupid?”
“No, I understand why you felt that way… but you were kind of… harsh. You really shouldn’t have gave him his bag back… and then told him you didn’t want to see him again.”
“Yeah, I shoul- Oh my god. No, no, no, no, no…” Preston began to hyperventilate,
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t worry. Tyler’s rational, he won’t do anything stupid.”
“No, he isn’t. He tries to be, and pretends to be, but he lets his emotions control him.” Preston rocked himself back and forth,
“Preston, it’s going to be okay. He’s going to turn up okay. Don’t worry.”
“I hope you’re right…” Preston sobbed,