Rae cuddled up next to me, “See how much better it feels when you get rid of your problems?” She asked, and I nodded,
“It feels so much better…” I looked at her dried blood covering my hands,
“You’re a sicko.” It whispered,
“Y’know… maybe next is Tyler… The two of us know he hurt you a lot… If not Tyler, maybe Ami… or even Preston… After all, he took Tyler from you…”
“Don’t tell me you’re backing out…” She frowned, “Remember what I promised? We can have such a better life… Just you and I… For the rest of eternity.”
“Don’t listen!”
“Get out of there.”
“Yeah, we can…” I grabbed her hand for reassurance,
“Well, you just fucked up.. Big time.”
“Don’t let them take you from me… You’re the only thing I have.” She whispered
“I won’t…”
“Do you promise?”
“Don’t promise shit.” It warned, my head pounding,
“Who cares if you promise? Promises were made to be broken.”
“Yeah, I promise you, Rae…” I whispered, trying to block out all of the screaming going on within my head,
“She doesn't love you.”
“She's tricking you.”
“She'll leave you in a worse place than you started in.”
“You're not good enough for her.”
“She'll turn everyone against you.”
“Cam? Babe? Are you okay?” Rae asked, “You look like you're sick.”
“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go for a walk, okay?”
“Okay, be safe.” She kissed me on the cheek, and I headed out,
“You can't trust her.”
“She'll tear you to pieces. She'll drive you mad.”
“She IS driving you mad.”
“God, shut up! Just for a minute!” I muttered, pulling on my hair. I sighed in satisfaction as my mind cleared out for the first time in ages. Though I was getting better at ignoring it, they kept multiplying, louder than the last, and either way, my brain would constantly feel clouded, as if someone had put thousands of weight on it,
“What do I do?” I whispered to myself, pacing around in a circle,
“Get away.”
“Kill her.”
“I'm not gonna kill her...” I took a deep breath, “and I'm sick of running.” I slid down to the ground, scanning my surroundings.
“Then why don’t you go? As in suicide.”
“What? No.” I trembled,
“Tyler can do it, and he’s a cry baby, so why can’t you?”
“I don’t want to do it… I’m better than that. I can do this,” I muttered, rocking myself back and forth,
“You think you can?”
“You’re too pathetic. Just get it over with. It’s inevitable anyways.”
“Just stop. Please.” I sobbed,
“Stop what?” Preston raised an eyebrow, alerting me to his presence,
“Are y-”
“Just leave him Preston.” Ami scoffed, turning into the camp,
“I…” Preston looked around, “Are you sure it’s nothing? I get it if you don’t want to tell me… but I won’t judge you for… whatever it is.”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” I smiled awkwardly, which caused him to frown,
“If you say so…” Preston scanned over me, before turning slowly to follow Ami,
“See? He didn’t even care to try.”
“Fine, goddamnit.” I complied, pushing myself up as swiftly as I could manage, and walking into camp. I lifted up a crate, before looking back at Preston, “Where did Tyler’s bag go?”
“He took it with him when he l-left.”
“He left? Why?” I froze, as I felt a sinking feeling wash over me,
“We got in a fight… Why do you need it?”
“I was going to throw it away.” I lied,
“He didn’t want us to do that though.”
“I know but… God, it’s just so… depressing to watch.” I forced a frown,
“He’ll turn up,” I reassured when I saw his eyes sadden,
“I hope so…”
“Shit, our plans have failed.” It muttered,
“Not quite.”
“Grab a gun or knife from the shop.”
“How would he?”
“Simple. Go say you’re writing up orders or some shit.”
I moved toward the shop, “Cameron, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go write up orders. I’m feeling really unproductive.”
“Is that really what you’re gonna do?” Ami asked, their face clearly showing their irritation.
“Then let me come with you.”
“Okay.” I shrugged as if I didn’t mind, walking inside the shop, Ami following close behind, “Why are you having issues with me?”
“I dunno. Maybe because you killed Tarea, and his mom, and you let Rebecca die!”
“I’ll admit to Tarea and his mom, but I TRIED to save Rebecca! Not to mention, I never poisoned her in the first place!”
“Really? From the little I remember, you let her convince you to just let her die!”
“Ami, you weren’t any better! Heck, you were worse! She didn’t want to die alone, you and Rae were drugged up, Tyler and Preston were gone, what was I supposed to do?”
“You were supposed to find something to save her, so she didn’t die in the first place!”
“I wanted to, but I’d rather her die with peace of mind, then to die, scared and alone, the things that she didn’t want to be.”
“She might not have died!”
“There wasn’t enough time, Ami, she would have died either way. It was inevitable.”
“How can you say that?”
“Because it’s the truth! Tarea’s mom put way too much poison in those damned cookies. I doubt there would have been anything strong enough to keep her alive.”
“Well, you know what? You should’ve ate those cookies!”
“You’re right, that’s why I’m taking this.” My hand reached for the gun, as my eyes began to water,