“Wait, wait, wait, no!” I panicked, reaching for his arm, which he yanked away,
“Don’t fucking touch me,”
“Cameron!” I called out, as his hand touched the doorknob.
“What?” When he turned around, I put the gun to my head, allowing an unreadable expression to play on his face, “Why the fuck should I care? I’ll be dead before you pull the trigger.”
“Oh, but will you?”
“Fuck- Ami, don’t!” His lips quivered, tears slipping down faster than they had,
“Then put it down. Now.”
“Why? Why should I? Hell, why are you so… Why do you care? I killed Fraco, His dog, Tarea, His mom, Rebecca. I don’t deserve to live anymore. I’m a damned monster.”
“Cameron, please. I can’t handle any more deaths. All five of them are dead. Heck, at the moment, Tyler could be dead too. Don’t do this to me!” I sobbed,
“I can’t do this anymore, Ami. It’s so damn difficult. They’re always lurking around, and if I don’t see them, the voices remind me. I can’t live with this shit!” He began to shake,
“Yes, voices! They’re always lurking around, clouding my brain, and telling me to do twisted things!”
“Like what?”
“Like this, dammit!”
“Why are you listening to them… if you know that it’s not the right thing to do?”
“Because….” His face went blank for a second, before he snapped back with a frown, “They’re hard to resist… and in a way… they’re right.”
“No. They aren’t right. I’m not gonna sugar coat it, you’re a real shitty person, but… I don’t think you deserve to die.”
“That’s a load of bullshit.” Cameron scoffed, his finger shaking, barely hovering over the trigger,
“I mean it, Cameron… Please!” I begged,
“I’m sorry, Ami, but I can’t…”
“Yes, you can! I can help you!”
“How? How can you possibly fix my horrid mind?”
“They have medication for this kind of stuff.”
“I’ve been on medication for mental health shit, and I hate it. It makes me feel like such a freak!”
“You aren’t a freak, your brain just works a little different than the rest of ours do, and that means you just need a bit of help.”
“Don’t lie to me…”
“Why would I lie?”
“Because…” His features calmed, “Because… Because… I… I don’t… know. I don’t know!” He dropped the gun, and I copied him, before walking over to him, and giving him a hug, as he sobbed,
“It’s okay, Cameron, it’s okay…”
“Th-Thank you… I’m sorry for… for acting up…”
“It’s okay, we all have our moments…”
“Do we?”
“Yeah, we do…”
“When… When did you want to give up?”
“I’ve wanted to give up so many damn times… When my parents kicked me up, all my birthdays after that, when Tarea died, when Rebecca died… But I kept going, because… because I know that I can make it, and that one day, my parents will come back to me. That one day… I will be able to see Rebecca, and Tarea again, and tell them about all the amazing things I was able to do.” I sighed,
“What… What can you even accomplish? Not in a bad way but… You barely hear about successful runaways.”
“Well, I mean, in two years, when I’m eighteen-”
“Wait, wait, wait… You’re sixteen?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“When did you get kicked out?”
“My twelfth birthday.” I smiled sadly,
“Oh…” Cameron muttered, looking away,
“Yeah, it’s… depressing, but oh well.” I shrugged, “I’m working on moving on from it…”
“How could you move on? I mean… My dad abused me, and… I can’t help but hate him with all I’ve got in me. If I don’t feel resentment… I’m depressed as hell.”
“It’s just gonna take time.” I reassured,
“Yeah, I know…”
After Cameron and I talked it out for a while, he went straight to the mattresses, and passed out. Preston was visibly upset now, and Rae? She was nowhere to be found, which is kinda scary now that I know the things I know…
“Where did Rae go?” I decided to ask first,
“She went out to find Tyler.”
“Oh.” I whispered, feeling the need to pray for him and his safety, although I didn’t really believe in any specific gods, “Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried as hell, but it’s whatever. I need to chill out.”
“It’s not whatever. You have the right to be worried.”
“No, I don’t. At least not when I was the one who started this all.”
“Yeah, but you weren’t thinking rationall-”
“I still knew that I shouldn’t do that, especially since Tyler will do just about anything I ask him too.” Preston sobbed,
“I don’t think he’ll do it this time. Try and get some sleep, okay? Maybe you’ll feel better in the morning.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Preston laid back, quickly falling asleep, leaving me alone to listen to memories replay through my head.