Chapter 3.20: January 7, 2018
"What is it, Markus? Why are you whispering?"
"What were you thinking, just asking her straight up if it's to help with the healing process?"
"I asked her 'straight up' because I was genuinely curious."
"Can't you just be sensitive instead of forcing Erunai to confront everything directly?"
"I am not insensitive, Markus. I am merely straightforward. You do not have to compromise one to have the other."
"Still, you could have just let her be!"
"If she never confronts her problems, how will she solve them? I am simply aiding her to the best of my ability."
"However, thank you for your concern. I will try to be more sensitive in the future. If you have any further issues, please do not hesitate to voice them to me."
"…You're such a businessman, you know that?"
"I suppose it runs in my blood."