Chapter 2.07: July 21, 2017
"Good news, Erunai! Your test results have come back, and it looks like you'll be able to go out for the day on your birthday. But remember to come back."
"Will do. Thanks, Doc."
"No problem. How are you feeling?"
"As well as I can be, I guess. My head doesn't hurt anymore, but I still feel a little tired."
"You probably just need more sleep. Do you still have trouble sleeping?"
"Yeah, just a bit."
"I'll go grab you your sleeping meds, then. Also, I won't be here to see you off on your birthday, but have fun!"
"But not too much fun."
"What was that?"
"Okay, I'll clean up my stuff and grab your meds. Try to fall asleep in the meantime."
"You bet I will."