No Plagiarism!ycT6b9GTsszReysPcMXPposted on PENANA Chapter 1.27: December 20, 20158964 copyright protection1028PENANAK7d0UjUdDK 維尼
"¡Hola, Sr. Kirito! I absolutely love your new book! Will you sign my copy for me, ¿por favor?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANArdCDstTFJD 維尼
"Of course, child. Now, ¿cómo te llamas?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAdY0qvn210u 維尼
"¡Marisol! M-A-R-I-S-O-L."8964 copyright protection1028PENANA0ytDFfiDpm 維尼
"Tu nombre es bonito, pero eres más bonita. Here you are."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAiUsdpR7X2f 維尼
"Thank you so much!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA1sJWr1mTRV 維尼
"No problem. Hey, Susy, I need a break."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAxMP5ltf2F4 維尼
"All right. Attention, book fans! Kenji Kirito will be taking a short break now. If you want to leave and come back, please return in fifteen minutes."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAs9lfiHr9t2 維尼
"I love seeing my fans, but it's so exhausting."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAUNxzSYliZx 維尼
"Only one month—"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAyIy6JVaCNy 維尼
Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Ri—8964 copyright protection1028PENANAANf0PlrNrn 維尼
"Excuse me, Susy. Ken on the line."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAtuPxtLmZn1 維尼
"Ken? It's Beth."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAQtYRIDUm82 維尼
"Hey, Beth. What's u—"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA5vdMPdrui5 維尼
"Please! I need help!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA74B6Z06amU 維尼
"Beth, I'm going to text you Doc's number, and you call him and tell him what's going on after we calm her down."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAU3tcmRSJIu 維尼
"Okay. Okay. Ken, what's going on?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAfZ5qZc0PFV 維尼
"Let's not worry about that now. Put me on speaker and try to comfort her. Whispered reassurance and soothing gestures work best."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAaYoHybty86 維尼
"Okay. Okay. Erunai? It's fine. You're fine."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAp6bAiXeYME 維尼
"Shh, Eru. Shh, baby, don't cry. Please don't cry. You're okay. You're safe."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAqOelvpZGWh 維尼
"Erunai, please calm down."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAelyi9lW4kS 維尼
"Help! Someone, please!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANADVxV9naxzx 維尼
"Beth, try to get her to bed."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAeArJybluCE 維尼
"Help! Helphelphelphelp shaking falling breakingshakingdyinghelpsomeonehelpme please please, please, please! Please!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA3xXGhVztEA 維尼
"Shh, Eru."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAhBnWz7Judc 維尼
"Come on, Erunai. Please calm down."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAvRbneDAWsA 維尼
"Don't cry, baby. Let Beth help you to bed, yeah? Let's sleep, baby. You're okay. You're safe. Please don't cry, Eru. Shh, baby, you're okay."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAbsfvQfWZtb 維尼
"Please. Please."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAZDtojyHZwi 維尼
"I'll sing for you, yeah? Eru, baby—"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAOH4eJyxaeH 維尼
"Ken, break's over. It's time to get back to the signing."8964 copyright protection1028PENANA20VcsaK4yw 維尼
"I heard that, Ken. I think—I think I can handle this. Just—I'll call you if it gets worse."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAmXz4anGnUa 維尼
"No! I can't leave her like that!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAkCyO4vbS5N 維尼
"Help me!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAsONi7qsszp 維尼
"Ken, no, no, no. You're all the way in Spain. There's not much you can do."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAuFyWaDtYhc 維尼
"I'm coming home right now."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAMxPcC3IOfT 維尼
"Ken, your fans are waiting!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAxSPs3yCdwF 維尼
"Just leave me be, Susy. Eru needs me right now."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAtxTY4b6bMp 維尼
"Ken, no. I—I'll get Erunai to calm down, I promise. And if you come home now, you know she'll be disappointed."8964 copyright protection1028PENANA9pU1MVX8g9 維尼
"Does it sound like I care?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAzxf7Eom2QQ 維尼
"Someone, please!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAo2kB2JzWUf 維尼
"Ken. She'll be okay. Right? Right. I have whoever's number this is."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAJOaFr3yXSG 維尼
"Just—I can't leave her."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAYS9y3lr6tZ 維尼
"You're not. She's just—You're not, Ken."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAHihOiluz2t 維尼
"…Stay with her until she falls asleep, yeah?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANANBZT4Sc7N6 維尼
"Of course. Yeah. Of course."8964 copyright protection1028PENANANV4rlJbK3W 維尼
"Let her know I love her."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAnk58ecRZgx 維尼
"Everything's falling, shaking, breakinghelpmeplease!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANAsHgWVtbDmu 維尼
"She loves you, too. She's—She'll be okay."8964 copyright protection1028PENANATCtpyAe59h 維尼
"Call me if she doesn't calm down?"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA2gI4jwKwXE 維尼
"Yeah. Of course."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAbkC7HUfCn7 維尼
"Ken, get back over here!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA8WVBo2q2nn 維尼
"Tell her I'm sorry."8964 copyright protection1028PENANALuhyeqUHnr 維尼
"Goodbye, Ken. She'll be okay. Right? Of course."8964 copyright protection1028PENANAFcA0ldoKpA 維尼
"I need help! Please! Pl—"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA9ZwDJ1sZNM 維尼
Click.8964 copyright protection1028PENANAdYGyg0dKKD 維尼
"¡Sr. Kirito! Kenji! Kenji Kirito! We all love you!"8964 copyright protection1028PENANA8W0fpKP4ot 維尼