Chapter 1.04: September 21, 2015
"Guess what, Ken?"
"You're getting married? How could you betray me like that?"
"What? No!"
"One of my books just sold a hundred thousand copies?"
"I wouldn't know about that. Are you going to let me say what I have to say or what?"
"By all means."
"I got an A on my test!"
"And I thought it'd be exciting."
"Hey! Don't be mean!"
"Fine, fine. Great job, Eru. Don't you get all A's, anyway?"
"That doesn't mean I can't be excited. Don't you get excited every time your books sell well?"
"Of course. It means my hard work pays off."
"Then it's the same for me. When I get an A, that means my hard work pays off."
"That's great, Eru. Keep it up, yeah?"
"Of course. I'm gonna be valedictorian. Hey, what's that you're looking at?"
"Relaxation exercises. I've stumbled across a problem with the publishing company, so I got these to help me stop stressing. Wanna do them with me?"
"I'm okay. Are you okay, Kenny?"
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You look tired, though. Need to get some sleep?"
"Yeah, but I have a paper due next week that I need to work on a little more."
"Why don't you sleep for a few hours? I can wake you up later, if you want."
"That sounds good. G'night, Kenny. At least for now. Love you."
"G'night, Eru. I love you."
Author's Note:
I've officially changed the update days to Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It'll move the story along a little faster, especially because it's such a slow-moving story.