Chapter 2.20: August 3, 2017
"Thanks for dinner, Beth. Black and burnt. My favorite."
"I get it; I get it. I'm sorry for being so excited that you'd arrived."
"Aw, Beth, I love you."
"You'd better."
"As heartwarming as this is, ladies, I'd like to ask you both to excuse me for a just a moment so I can answer the door."
"Who would come visit you right now?"
"Markus. I invited him, just so you know. He's just late."
"We can clearly tell by the way that we've just finished dinner and that he's just arrived."
"Thanks for informing me, Erunai. I never would have known. Now if you'll excuse me…"
"I'm a bit worried. I haven't seen Mark since before I went into that coma."
"Erunai, you've barely seen anyone since before the coma."
"Well, yeah, but the last time I saw him, I rejected him. Then I went and got myself in the hospital. Now I'm back. It's a little awkward."
"It would be awkward even if you saw him the day after. Especially if you saw him the day after. Woman up, Erunai! It's not that big of a deal."
"You're only saying that because you found Mik."
"Not really. Besides, you've rejected Markus multiple times. Just because you went into a coma right after the last doesn't mean much of anything."
"If you say so."
"Erunai, it's fine. Don't stress over this."
"I come bearing food! Here's to hoping you all still have room for dessert."
"I'm sure we do. Beth burned dinner."
"Shut up, Mik. I managed to make it edible, didn't I?"
"Edible but not tasteful."
"The Avatar has returned! Welcome back to consciousness, Erunai!"
"Thanks? Hi to you, too."
"I'm here, too, lover boy."
"Yes, I can see you just fine, Beth. I was just greeting the lovely Erunai over here."
"I can see your love-hate relationship is still the same as ever."
"It isn't my fault that Markus is so unbearable."
"Beth, love, don't be unbearable yourself."
"All right, before someone gets murdered by Beth, why don't we have some dessert, yeah?"
"Yes, please. Mik, lover boy, go get some plates and—Tommy, do not put that in your mouth!"