Chapter 2.29: August 9, 2017
"Mark, how do I keep Tommy from putting his food in his water and all over his face?"
"My dear Erunai, all you have to do is feed it to him directly. He's not even a year old yet. Why are you letting him feed himself?"
"I don't know! Because he's going to have to learn eventually?"
"What's that look for?"
"Just let me feed him. Tommy, open your mouth! Here comes the choo-choo train!"
"…How are you so good with kids?"
"I have a big family. Taking care of kids is practically my full-time job."
"Oh.…Oh! Speaking of jobs, how's getting published working out for you?"
"I'm still working on my first novel, but I hope to find an agent soon."
"If you want, I can try contacting Susy. She was Kenny's agent, before he—Well, you know."
"Yeah, I know. Do you need to talk about it or anything?"
"Listen, I already told you I'm fine. Absolutely fine. Would everyone just please stop asking me?"
"Erunai, we're just worried about you because we care."
"Erunai? Erunai, what's wrong? C'mon, there has to be a reason why you're crying."
"Sorry. Sorry, hold on. I'll—I'll stop soon."
"Erunai, please tell me what's wrong. You can't be crying just because you saw my beautiful face or anything."
"No, haha—No, it's not that. It's just—Kenny used to worry for me so much. But he would never really tell me unless he felt like he absolutely needed to—you know? I don't really know why I'm crying. I'm so pitiful. I'm so sorry."
"Erunai, don't apologize for that. And you're definitely not pitiful. It's hard dealing with a loss like that, and it's completely fine to let yourself feel again."
"I just miss him so much. I mean, I know it's not really his fault or my fault or anyone's fault, really, but I just miss him so much. It feels like—like I've been slammed by a dump truck, but worse. So much worse."
"And that idiot! How dare he leave me like that! I can't believe his nerve! How dare he…that dork. Such a dork…"
"Look, Erunai, I'm sorry, but wait just a minute while I put Tommy to sleep. I promise I'll be back soon to hear the hurts hidden deep within your heart."
"Haha, I wouldn't say that, but okay."
"You know you like spilling your deepest, darkest secrets to me, Erunai."
"Oh, shut it, Mark. But…thanks anyway."
"Gladly at your service, dear Avatar of mine."