Chapter 2.28: August 9, 2017
"I cannot believe you are doing this to me."
"Better believe it, then. You should've known that, of course, I would jump at the chance to go out with Mik again."
"You're only celebrating finishing a paper! That, by no means, calls for an entire date night."
"Honestly, I don't care at the moment. Ask Markus to help you out if you get lonely."
"That is nowhere near fair for either of us. Least of all Mark."
"Erunai, it's fine. He told you he wouldn't push, right? He still wants to hang out with you."
"But actually taking him up on that offer is like stringing him along. How will he get over me if he's always around me?"
"That's something he'll have to decide. And maybe he doesn't want to get over you."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Not everything makes sense, you know. In any case, I'm going to get ready for my hot date, and you should get ready to babysit."
"I really hate you right now."
"Keep telling yourself that. Go call Markus. I promise you he won't hate you. See you!"
"See you…"
"And him hating me is not my worry. I'll hate me."
"Greetings, my dear Avatar."
"Erunai—Oh, you actually check caller ID. And would you quit that?"
"You know I won't. What can I do for you, my dear?"
"I'm sorry; I really hate to just ask you for a favor like this—"
"Erunai, it's fine. I'm happy to help you whenever I can. What is it you need?"
"Yeah, sorry. Beth and Mik are having a date night, and Beth thought it would be a good idea to leave me in their house with their kid. Do you mind helping me out? I don't have much experience with kids."
"Yeah, of course. I miss my little man Tommy anyway. See you in thirty minutes?"
"By all means. Bye!"