Chapter 2.01: July 11, 2017
"Your vitals look fine, Erunai. That's a really good sign, considering you've been in that coma for a year and a half."
"I've been out for how long?"
"Oh, dear. Didn't anyone tell you? You've been in this hospital for a year and a half. It's July eleventh, 2017."
"No, no, no, that's not possible. Where's Kenny? I need to talk to Kenny!"
"I'll be finished in a moment, and then I'll let your friend in."
"Who? Kenny?"
"I believe her name is Beth? Excuse me, Erunai. Have a good day."
"Oh, okay. Thanks."
"Erunai! Thank God you're okay!"
"Will do. Hey, don't cry. It's not that big a deal."
"It's just that—over a year—you've been out—And Kenny—"
"I know about Kenny. I don't want to talk about it. Please."
"Of course. Of course. I'm sorry."
"So tomorrow's your birthday."
"Yeah, it is. I'll be twenty. I'll be so old."
"I hope I'll get out of this hospital in time to celebrate."
"You kidding me, Erunai? You won't get out for another couple of weeks at least. You just woke up."
"Then how am I supposed to go celebrate your twentieth birthday?"
"Easy. My birthday will come to you."
"Well, then. What about your family?"
"I'm planning to visit them over the weekend. You don't need to worry about it."
"All right…Hey, it's been a year and a half. How did—you know—go?"
"Great, actually. October twenty-seventh, 2016. I could bring him around at some point if you want to meet him."
"Of course I do! And wow, almost a year. What's his name?"
"And how is Mik handling it?"
"As well as can be, I suppose."
"That's great…"
"…Hey, what's wrong?"
"I'm really sorry about my—how I reacted when you told me. I'm so sorry, Beth."
"Erunai, we've been over this already. It's fine. I know it was a shock. I know it was sudden. I don't blame you, and I never did. Besides, you came back, didn't you? Or is my memory failing me?"
"I did, but I probably wouldn't have if Kenny hadn't pushed me."
"That's fine. Hey, don't cry."
"Yeah. Yeah. I miss him already."
"Of course you do. With a bond like yours, it's expected. But I'll be here for you, even if he isn't."
"I want him back."
"Of course. Of course."
"I miss him. I miss you, Kenny."
"I'm sure he misses you, too."
"I love him. So much that it hurts."
"I'm sure it's the same for him, wherever he is now."