Chapter 1.08: September 30, 2015
"What are you reading?"
"A book called Enclave by Ann Aguirre. I found it on one of the bookshelves."
"I've read that one. I have the second book, Outpost, if you'd like to read that, too."
"So what do you love most about the story?"
"Probably the fact that Deuce doesn't give up, even if her entire world is turning on her. She's strong and continues to fight no matter how she's broken."
"I also really like the idea of standing up for what is right in a society that requires you to go with the flow. I love how she learns to become completely independent in decisions when she needs to."
"Yeah. Can you leave so I can continue reading?"
"Well, excuse me. Sorry to bother you, Your Highness."
Author's Note:
The book(s) mentioned in this chapter is a real book, and I definitely think you should go and read it! It's amazing!