Chapter 2.30: August 9, 2017
"Okay, I'm back. Is there anything else you needed to vent?"
"No, I think I'm okay."
"Are you sure? Because I'll totally listen to your heartbreak."
"Well, even if I had anything to say, I wouldn't say it while you're joking about and trivializing my feelings!"
"…I'm sorry, Erunai. Humor's sort of my default setting; when I'm not quite sure what I'm doing, I force my way through it with humor."
"…No, don't apologize. I'm just tired. Reminds me of Kenny, though. Of course, you have less of a grip on it than he does; he never would show much besides what he thought would be beneficial to either me or him. It was always me then him. He was always worrying about me. And I mean always—I'm rambling, sorry."
"I don't mind, Erunai. You've been keeping this all in for a year and a half; I'd expect that you'd have some steam to let out."
"I was in a coma for most of it, and, anyway, enough about me and Kenny. What about you? How is your family?"
"Tatay and Nanay have been all right. They've been making me work in the restaurant since graduation, though."
"I'm guessing the publishing front really hasn't been all that kind."
"Not really, no."
"Like I said, I could set you up with Susy. I'm sure her number's somewhere in Kenny's room. I can never figure out how he has everything organized, though, so it's as bad as if he never cleaned it."
"You haven't cleaned out his room yet?"
"Sorry, that was insensitive. But I thought that you'd—you know—have everything cleaned out by now."
"…I don't think I'll ever clean out his room."
"Well, uh, that's fine, too. I'd, uh—I'd love it if you got in contact with Susy. Except I'd like to finish my novel first."
"By all means. But—and this is just a suggestion that you are, by no means, obligated to agree to—you could also send her one of your short stories to be published. It's not a bad idea; that's how Kenny started out."
"I suppose that could work if I found an old piece of mine. Are you sure this Susy would take me on as a client, though?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't she? Anyway, I'll find her number and give it to you. So, how are your siblings doing?"
"They've actually been waiting to see you again for a while now."
"Remind me to visit sometime."
"You'll only find Del at home, though. You know that Kuya Mart has been living on his own, but Teddy-boy started going to college just this past summer."
"Where did he decide to go?"
"Berklee College of Music. Apparently, he's really into music management and really wants to help a band reach the top."
"Sounds like a cool dream. Aren't you living with your parents?"
"Well, yes. I suppose you'd find me at home, too, but I'd most likely find you."
"You've gotten smoother, I see."
"Only marginally so. Erunai, are you sure there isn't anything else you want to talk about?"
"Mark, I promise you that I'm fine. Don't worry about it."
"Well, I'll be here if you need me."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, my dear Erunai."