Chapter 3.06: December 26, 2017
Knock knock knock.
"Please wait a moment!"
"Sorry about that; I was just—Leo? What are you doing here?"
"Are you all right, Erunai?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why are you here, Leo? It can't possibly be just because you wanted to check up on me at six in the morning."
"You called me last night."
"I did? I must have been half-asleep, then, because I can't remember a thing we talked about."
"You were in hysterics. You mistook me for Kenny once again."
"…Please, come in."
"I've mentioned my…panic attacks to you before, haven't I?"
"You might have mentioned them in passing, yes."
"That was probably what you heard over the phone. They've always been more specific to earthquakes, though. At least from what I've heard Beth and Kenny tell me, because I can never remember them."
"However, this panic attack was centered around Ken."
"Is it dangerous for you to live on your own?"
"No, I should be fine. They just exhaust me."
"I am sure you would feel safer if you had someone to watch over you. I know I would."
"I'm fine, okay, Leo? I'm perfectly fine."
"…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out again."
"I accept your apology, but please consider living with someone else."
"…I have a few more minutes before I have to leave. How was Christmas with Markus?"
"Hm? Oh, it was fine. I was a bit out of my element, though, what with so many people around. I'm used to Christmas just being Kenny and me."
"I am glad you enjoyed it."
"It appears my time is up. Have a good day, Erunai."
"I'm—uh, I'm having a New Year's celebration on New Year's Eve. Do you wanna come? It won't be anything big. Just a couple of friends like Beth, Mik, Mark, and maybe a few others."
"I may be busy, but I will try to come. Again, have a good day, Erunai."
"Thanks. You, too, Leo. I really appreciate you checking up on me."
"It was my pleasure."