Chapter 2.03: July 12, 2017
"Hey, love?"
"Yeah, Mik? What are you doing on the floor?"
"Great Scots. Great Scots, Great Scots, Great Scots Great ScotsGreatScotsGreatScots—"
"Erunai, please be quiet for a minute while I propose. Miss Beth Ann Hunts, would you like like to trade in that slice of cake for this ring and your last name for mine? Or I could take yours, if you'd like."
"Of course, of course, of course ofcourseofcourse! Mikhail Mengejar, I love you, and I will continue to do so even after the day I die! By the way, we are definitely taking my last name."
"Great! Now how about that cake?"
"Idiot, you just had to ruin the moment."
"Erunai, you took the words right out of my mouth. Now give them back."
"I'd rather she take the slice of cake out of your hands and give it to me."
"Besides, who proposes in a hospital?"
"I would have proposed somewhere better if you hadn't woken up."
"I'm sorry for having such bad timing."
"Erunai, you're my best friend and all, but I need you to be quiet while I bicker lovingly with my fiancé."
"Erunai, you're not my best friend and all, but I still need you to be quiet while I bicker lovingly with my fianceé."
"All right, I got it. Shutting up."