Chapter 1.38: January 24, 2016
"Well, it took us a lifetime to get out of there."
"Why are airports so complicated, anyway?"
"Because life is complicated. Because airports take people away and bring them back. Because we're all lost and found, losing each other and finding another."
"Way to bring down the good vibe, Ken."
"Excuse me? You, Susy, of all people, are telling me that?"
"Hey, guys?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means—"
"Would you both shut up? I think I lost the car."
"I forgot where I parked."
"You're a mess, Eru."
"Shut up, Ken."
"Why are you telling me to shut up?"
"Right now, I'm telling you both to shut up!"
"Does anyone have any idea of how to find the car?"
"Well, let me just look in my car-finding manual and—"
"What's going on?"
"Get under cover!"
"Ken, where are you? I can't—"
"I'm fine, Susy! Get to safety!"
"Where's Erunai?"
"I've got her! Just go find a safe place!"
"Nononoshakingnonononofallingnononononocrumblingnononononohelpnonononononono someone save me. Please, please, pleasepleasepleasehelpmeplease—"
"Eru, shh. Shh, baby, you're okay. We just gotta get out, yeah? Shh, baby, don't cry."
"Please, someone save me! I need help!"
"Eru, shh, you're okay. Don't cry, baby."
"Shakingfalling, breakingshaking, helphelppleaseplease—"
"Shh, baby. You'll be safe. Let's find a way to safety, yeah?"
"Help me, please! Help, help, help helphelphelphelppleasepleaseIneedhelp—"
"Don't be afraid, Eru. You're okay. Shh, baby. You'll be sa—"
Author's Note:
And that marks the end of Ken's story arc! I'm (not) sorry to end it like this, but the next update will mark the beginning of the second arc from Eru's point of view. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far!