Chapter 1.13: October 2, 2015
"Hey, Susy, get out. We've been sitting outside your apartment forever."
"What? Oh."
"Finally over being starstruck? You were in a daze all through dinner. He was just another guy, Susy."
"He was the Leonel Belmonte, CEO of Minerva Publishing and Vulcan Crafts, as well as co-heir of the Imperium Romanum Group!"
"So he has connections. I'm trembling in awe."
"Why on earth did you think to be so disrespectful toward him?"
"I wasn't disrespectful as far as I know. Just myself. Look, he asked for me, Kenji Kirito, not an alien gentleman wearing my skin. I'm not going to pretend that I'm this formal jerk who'll let him walk all over me. He's just another human being, Susy."
"At least he's still letting us do this official author thing. You are accepting his offer, right?"
"Susy. I know you're my literary agent, and I love you. I really do. I just have to think about it, okay? I have to worry about Eru—"
"Do you really have to? She's an adult; she can learn to live without you caring for her every second of every day. You'll only be gone for three months, Ken. Erunai can survive that long."
"Ken, you can't let her get in the way of your career."
"Haha, if you say so. Later, Susy."