Chapter 1.18: October 9, 2015
"Susy, will you please stop? I'm a grown man, and I can handle myself just fine."
"You are nowhere near grown, Ken."
"You're only two years older than I, Susy."
"Welcome back, Mr. Kirito, Ms. Whitaker. Mr. Belmonte is waiting for you in Conference Room 3. Follow me, please."
"Try to behave this time, Ken?"
"If you say so."
"You'll be the death of me."
"Mr. Belmonte is waiting inside. I wish you both good luck."
"Again with the luck. He isn't a Freak or a Mutie or a Dalek or a hellhound or Moriarty or—"
"Ken, just please shut up."
"Were you always this rude, Susy?"
"Ken, Ms. Whitaker. How are the both of you today?"
"Amazing as always. I've made a decision about the official author thing."
"Good. And you?"
"I'm well, thank you. And what is your decision?"
"I'll do it. However, international book tours like this one cannot become a regular occurrence. I'll need events closer to home."
"We'll plan events accordingly, then."
"Here's the signed contract. Do you want to share ideas now?"
"That's fine with me. It doesn't look like I have another meeting for another hour."
"Great! Silent Susy, you got any ideas?"