I had been sitting with Cameron for the last five hours, talking about things that I didn't really care about, but still, when I tried to get up, he pleaded, "Please stay a little bit longer..."
"Because this is the first time I've really enjoyed myself since my mom died." Cameron frowned,
"Okay," I nodded,
"...You should really think about moving out, or something."
"I'm only seventeen."
"Aren't you Eighteen next month?"
"So rack up some money, and get the hell out of there. Heck, I'll donate some of my money."
"No, don't do that. You need that money."
"Not as much as you do. I don't get beat until the point where I can't walk."
"Okay, well I don't have mental health issues."
"That is complete bullshit."
"How would you know?"
"I don't know, but I definitely have quite a few indicators."
"Like what?"
"Well, you never want to be alone, you absolutely despise silence, and, this might sound a little weird, but your eyes completely blow your cover."
"Yeah, that does sound weird."
"I know. It's true though. If you ever want to know how someone feels, just look at their eyes."
"You're right. It does, I am depressed. Which I shouldn't be, because I'm on anti-depressants."
"You are?"
"Yeah, I have Bipolar I disorder, which is-"
"I know what it means."
"Yes, really, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it, dipshit."
"Geez, okay."
"Sorry, sorry." I put my head in my hands,
"You're okay," He sighed, "You probably didn't think about it."
"Not really." I admitted, "It just came out."
"I get that, it happens to me all the time. I hate it so much,"
"That explains why you're always saying shitty stuff.
"Yeah, yeah it does." He nodded, staring off into space,
"What are you thinking about?"
"Just... How I can possibly turn this all around..."
"All you've got to do is realize your mistake, and begin trying to fix them,"
"But how do I fix it?"
"Apologize, help people out, be kind, eventually, it'll start making a difference, and heal those that you used to hurt."
"I guess I can start that right now... Tyler, I'm sorry." Cameron frowned, grabbing my hand, and staring me in the eyes,
"You're good, you've already proved that to me, and I'm not good at holding grudges." I moved my hand away, and shoved it into my pockets,
"I know, but I need to say it. I don't like feeling like the villain."
"I don't think anyone likes feeling like the villain... Well, atleast most people don't. Of course there are those few outliers… But you've also got to realize that there really isn't a true villain or a true hero. To one person, I might be a hero, but to others? I could be a villain. It’s all a matter of perspective.”
“What do you perceive me as?”
“I don't know yet,” I shrugged, “I don't think you’re a villain, but I can't see you as a hero either. I think if you acted the way you act around me more often, and for a longer amount of time, I could qualify you as a hero, though.”
“Yeah, I see that.” He confessed,