I walked up to the lunch table. but stopped in my tracks as I heard Dylan speak up, "Cameron's pathetic and annoying. He always tags around like a lost puppy, I wish he would just leave me alone. Let's not even talk about the huge crush he has on you," He turned to Isla, "I always have to hide you from him so I don't have to hear him whine like a baby."
"I didn't know that was how you felt, thanks for letting me know." I scoffed, before biting my lip, and tossing my lunch into the trash can. I made my way towards the exit of the building, when I felt someone grab my hand,
"Is everything okay?" Tyler asked, staring at me intensely,
"Why do you care?" I spat out in response to the fast beating of my heart,
"I don't care, well, not about you, but I don't like seeing people upset, so.." He looked away, and started fiddling with something in his pocket, "I-If you don't want to talk, I get that, I just figured I'd give it a shot."
"Thanks... It's just my dick friends."
"Finally turned on you?"
"Yeah, how'd you guess?"
"Because they're dicks, and you finally realized, so I assumed that's what happened... I don't like you much, but if you grabbed a new group of people, I think you could do a lot better." We were silent, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened."
"Heh, alright, thanks." I smiled, despite the slight pang I felt, which I didn't quite understand. I watched as Tyler walked away from me, and pulled myself back up. I scanned the halls aimlessly, unsure of what to do.
My eyes locked on Rae, the four feet, four inch tall girl. She seemed to cower in fear, already knowing what was up, "I need a little therapy, I'm sure you're open to that, right?"
"N-No, please leave me alone." She squeaked, and I laughed a little, pushing her into the wall, and punching her in the face,
"I don't think so."
"Cameron." Tyler's voice came from behind. I rolled my eyes, and turned around, still keeping my hands on her, "Seriously?"
"Yeah." Of course he'd come and yell at me, he always does.
"Why? What did she do to you?"
"She's short as hell, an easy target."
"Dude, you're five feet, seven inches. You're pretty short yourself." He pointed out, making my face turn red,
"Shut up," I buried my head in my jacket,
"God, he's so fucking pathetic, wanna ditch and go get smoothies?" I heard Tyler say to her, and I walked away.
I slammed the door to the bathroom stall shut, and sat against it, despite how dirty it was. How could my life fall apart so quickly?
I clutched my arms to try and rid myself of the nausea. All of this was making me extremely anxious, and I hated it.
"Kid, you need to leave the building, school's over." The voice said, before knocking on the stall door,
"I'm sick."
"Doesn't matter, we can't allow you to lurk on campus."
"O-Okay." I pulled myself, stopping quickly as I heaved. I waited for it to stop, before pulling up my hood, and walking out of the bathroom.
There was no way I was going home yet, I know I can't face him, but I don't think I ever could. I just need to delay it, I've dealt with too much today...
My feet carried me to the park thirty minutes away from the school, and forty-five minutes from my dad. I took my binder out, and started on every assignment I have, since before I was too "busy" to ever complete anything. I'm not sure if it'll be worth anything, since most of my teachers deduct points for being late, but I didn't have anything better to do.
I made it half-way through the stack, since it was only October, before the sun started to set. Quickly, I packed my stuff, knowing if I didn't get home before dark, I would get into deep trouble.
"Hey." I pulled back on Rae's hood as soon as I noticed her small body on the sidewalk. "I see Tyler isn't here to save you."
"St-Stop please!" She whined as I pushed her onto the ground, and stepped on her head, before kicking it several times, making her cry in pain,
"You're so pathetic." I shook my head, repeating the words I had heard.
"Who taught you this? Was it your daddy? Because he didn't train you too well." I was too hurt to push Dylan back when he knocked me aside, "She isn't even bleeding." Dylan kicked her harder, and Rae clutched her nose, as blood poured out of it. He struck again, this time, making a mark on her chin.
"Stop that!" I tried to push Dylan into the street, but he managed to stand his ground.
"Stop doing this?" Dylan laughed, kicking Rae again,
"But why? You do it. Are you upset because I'm better than you?"
"You jerk-" I swung my fist for his face, and he tumbled backwards, groaning. I stopped and looked at Rae, guilt taking over me as I realized I was going to be just like my father if I didn't check my actions.
"I'm going to kick your ass tomorrow, just you wait!" He growled, and I rolled my eyes,
"See ya then." I waved as Dylan stormed away. I brought my eyes back to Rae, and frowned, "Sorry." I mumbled, helping her up. I quickly started to run away, not wanting to allow the possibility of confrontation to be there.
"Cameron Jaylon Sanders!" My dad's voice boomed as I opened the door, "Why weren't you home as soon as school got out?!"
"I-I got detention." I stuttered out, cowering in fear.
"That is unacceptable! You shouldn't be getting in trouble at school!" I closed my eyes as he yelled, taking in a deep breath, only to be cut off by his hand meeting my face, making me whimper.