Summary: Set in S5 of Buffy. Cordy comes to town for a visit. Remember when Faith’s new Watcher hit Giles with a statue or something? What if Cordelia Chase had been there? What if Giles hadn’t been there? Will someone come help her, or will they be too late? Read to find out.
It was a dark night, as Cordelia Chase walked into the library.
Nobody was there.
“Well, that’s strange. Even for the Hellmouth,” she commented to herself.
She was on her way to see if Giles was in the back room.
When she did, she saw Amy there.
“Who are you and what the hell are you doing?” the Drama Queen demanded. She didn’t know who she was, but it looked like she had been going through Giles’ stuff on his desk.
Without warning, she started towards the former Cordette.
Meanwhile in Angel’s mansion, Buffy and Faith were fighting while Angel was on the couch recovering from Faith’s attack on him. She had nearly killed him. If it wasn’t for Buffy arriving when she had, he would be dust by now.
Half an hour later, Xander arrived at the library. That’s when he saw his love life on her back on the floor not far from Giles’ office room.
As soon as he saw his ex, he ran towards and knelt beside her.
He could tell that she was barely conscious.
“She’s after the others. She went to Angels’ mansion,” she half-whispered.
“What happened?”
“She attacked me,” she said softly.
“Okay. We’re going to go help them,” Xander replied, picking her up in his arms and walking out with her.
As he did, she put her arms around his neck and closed her eyes with her head resting on his shoulder to rest. She knew she had a fight ahead of her.
Half an hour later, they arrived. Cordy was now feeling much better. Amy was shining with light all around her, shooting out rays.
Just as she shot a ray of light in Willow’s direction, Cor ran forward and got her out of the way. While that was happening, Buffy and Faith were fighting outside.
“Are you okay?” Cor asked Willow.
“Yeah. Thanks. You saved my life.”
“I know.”
While Angel and the others went to destroy Amy, Cordy went outside.
She saw them throw Xander away, whom was trying to end the fight. He landed on the ground on his back and then sat up.
Xander Harris watched as Cordelia intervened with the Slayers, grabbing hold of Faith’s right wrist and Buffy’s upper right arm.
“Get a hold of yourselves right now. Stop this fighting. It’s over. And you know what? Slayers shouldn’t fight each other. They shouldn’t throw innocents with their powers, either. Chill out. Get a grip.”
She let go of them and then helped her ex up.
They looked at her, unable to do anything. They were seeing a different Cordelia. And she was back in Sunnydale.
Amy was soon killed and Cordy stayed in her hometown. Sunnydale; the Hellmouth. Xan and Cor got back together and everybody lived happily ever after.