Summary: What if Cordelia had seen Harmony kissing Xander, instead of Willow and Xander kissing? What will happen? Read to find out.
Cordelia Chase felt like her world was crashing down on her, as she stood in the doorway.
“Oh, God,” she said, hands over her mouth.
“Cor…” he said, trying to think of what to say. He thought he knew what was coming. He didn’t know that she had seen Harmony kiss him first.
“I have to go. I can’t look at this.”
Harmony and Xander looked at her, and then she walked out, leaving them there.
“We should follow her,” he said, getting up.
She nodded in agreement and he helped her up.
When they reached her, she stood a foot away from the room she had seen them in.
“Cordy, I----“ he started, but she cut him off.
“Don’t, Xander.”
She turned to face them.
“Harmony, I can’t believe you. You of all people! What were you thinking!?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Just go before I get even more pissed.”
Harmony did as she was told.
Xander came up to her.
“You don’t have to say anything, Xan. She kissed you first. You didn’t want to. I saw everything.”
“You were there that long?”
“Yeah. I was.”
Suddenly, the stairs collapsed from under the blond Cordette.
They could only watch in horror.
“Harmony!” Cordelia yelled out to her best friend.
She scrambled up the stairs and looked into the hole, Xander following more cautiously.
“Oh my God,” she said.
She didn’t hesitate. She carefully climbed down into the hole to be with her.
“Harmony, hang on,” she said.
She knelt by her best friend.
“Oh, God,” Xander said.
She looked up at him.
“Xander, go get help and hurry! I’ll stay with her!” she yelled up at him so he could hear her.
She watched him scramble away to get help and then looked down at her.
“Harm, hang in there. Xander’s going to go get help.”
She moved her head to look at the brunette.
“Cordelia, I’m sorry,” she apologized softly.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not mad at you anymore,” she assured her.
“All you have to worry about is not dying. You have all your life ahead of you.”
Ten minutes later, Harmony was loaded into an ambulance.
They watched as it drove away, arms around each other.
The next day, Harmony was okay. So everybody lived happily ever after.